I noticed that Camera::WorldToScreenPoint() returns Vector3() with normalized screen coordinates. However UI elements are positioned using pixels. I can not find any methods for UI positioning using normalized coordinates. So what is the right way to position UI element using WorldToScreenPoint()? Converting normalized position to pixels is simple, however i find it surprising there is no such basic API already which leads me to think i simply can not find it.
I am basically looking for something like:
UIElement::SetPositionNormalized(Vector2 pos);
Camera::WorldToScreenPointPixels(Vector3 pos);
Or no such thing exists and i should implement them and make PR?
P.S. In case i should make PR i assume it would not be a good idea to overload SetPosition() since Vector2 and IntVector2 are kind of interchangeable and would likely lead to confusion and unwanted bugs. Correct me if im wrong.