What is the difference between in particle files with tags:
<particleeffect> and <particleemitter>
What is the difference between particle files

particleeffect is part of particleemitter component (settings)

I know about it. But what is the difference between these tags <particleeffect> and <particleemitter>
in the files xml?
For example:
<?xml version="1.0"?> **<particleeffect>** <material name="Materials/Particle.xml" /> <numparticles value="1000" /> <updateinvisible enable="true" /> <relative enable="false" /> <scaled enable="true" /> <sorted enable="false" /> <animlodbias value="0" /> <emittertype value="box" /> <emittersize value="0.05 0.05 0.05" /> <direction min="-0.1 0.02 -0.1" max="0.1 0.02 0.1" /> <constantforce value="0 2 0" /> <dampingforce value="1" /> <activetime value="0" /> <inactivetime value="0" /> <emissionrate min="40" max="45" /> <particlesize min="0.1 0.1" max="0.3 0.3" /> <timetolive min="2" max="2" /> <velocity min="0" max="0.5" /> <rotation min="0" max="0" /> <rotationspeed min="0" max="0" /> <sizedelta add="0" mul="0.8" /> <colorfade color="1 1 0.45 0" time="0" /> <colorfade color="1 0.63 0.45 1" time="0.5" /> <colorfade color="0.5 0.32 0.22 0.5" time="1.5" /> <colorfade color="0 0 0 0" time="2" /> </particleeffect>
<?xml version="1.0"?> **<particleemitter>** <material name="Materials/Smoke.xml" /> <numparticles value="1000" /> <updateinvisible enable="true" /> <relative enable="false" /> <activetime value="0" /> <animlodbias value="0" /> <inactivetime value="0" /> <emissionrate min="20" max="25" /> <sorted enable="false" /> <rotationspeed min="-30" max="30" /> <emittertype value="box" /> <emittersize value="0.05 0.05 0.05" /> <direction min="-0.1 0.02 -0.1" max="0.1 0.02 0.1" /> <dampingforce value="1" /> <velocity min="0" max="0.5" /> <particlesize min="0.1 0.1" max="0.2 0.2" /> <sizedelta add="0" mul="1.5" /> <timetolive value="4" /> <constantforce value="0 2 0" /> <colorfade color="0.2 0.2 0.2 0" time="0.0" /> <colorfade color="0.2 0.2 0.2 0" time="1.5" /> <colorfade color="0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1" time="2.0" /> <colorfade color="0.6 0.6 0.6 0" time="4.0" /> </particleemitter>

different way for loading, also particleemitter can contain info about all particles in some time (state of emitter)

Ah, I see, in Ninja example “particleemitter” loaded by SetEffect(). I think it is just mistake

But both options work without SetEffect().
It would be more correct for a ParticleEmitter to contain only parameters relating only to it.