Well, github was nuked. Sad

Still can’t believe what you have done to that project!

I don’t quite understand, you don’t want to see my contribution to the engine but want to keep using the engine with my changes, just use this https://github.com/u3d-community/U3D

Moreover, there is a friendly atmosphere and everyone loves each other: https://github.com/u3d-community/U3D/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md

True, they immediately violated their own rules by banning me for the phrase
Can you compete with fork LucKey Productions / Dry · GitLab ?
This is also a victim of my dictatorship. I think cooperation will double your progress.

documentation is gone. I was using that. good thing I downloaded a few html pages. and google has cached versions

The people are fine with the good things you made in Urho3D (like Angel Script bindings).
The people are unhappy because you took over Urho3D organization, removed its founders (Lasse and Wei Tjong), and replaced Urho3D with your personal project. You can as well rename it, because GitHub - urho3d/urho3d: Игровой движок is not Urho3D anymore. If it is not in English, it is not Urho3D – the change is just too fundamental. It may be a good project, but it is a different project.
So… yeah. I can totally understand why people are unhappy.
I am just happy that I moved away from Urho3D years ago and these events didn’t hurt me personally.
I will try to stay away from this topic from now on, just wanted to have this opinion written somewhere.

Documentation for 1.9.0 version: https://urho3d-doxygen.github.io/1_9_0_tutors/index.html
For latest version: https://urho3d-doxygen.github.io/latest/index.html
Wiki: https://github.com/urho3d-community/wiki-archive/wiki
Also you can have documentation for ANY engine version if you just compile engine with docs

We have already discussed these things in private, but if you decide to re-discuss this publicly, then I can do it with a mention of all the facts in which you and Rokas are involved.

Oh okay, I see it now

In any case, it’s fun to see you pretend to care about the project in public.

I think you misunderstand or misread what I said:
I am just happy that I moved away from Urho3D years ago and these events didn’t hurt me personally.
I am not a user of Urho3D, I have not done anything good or bad for Urho3D in latest years. I don’t really care about Urho3D or its future. I am just an observer here, following updates out of curiosity.
And sometimes I have an opinion on news that don’t directly involve me, that’s it.
In the end, I can have whatever opinion I want, as long as I don’t force others to indulge it.

Okay, okay, the main thing is that you didn’t forget to mention that you left to another great project.

Taking a 10 minute coffee break and writing this one …
Well in general I try to avoid such conversations with negative energy.
Anyway , @1vanK nobody disputes your contribution to this project over the years.
I personally learned some from your contribution (and other amazing and very smart contributors).
You are right in saying that people that don’t contribute to this project don’t have any say on how to proceed with this project.
Since I am not contributing to it and don’t have any plans to contribute (due to bad experience in the past)
I belong to the group of people that don’t have any say on this project , and I am OK with that.
But I want to give you some advice , it’s up to you if you want to listen or not.
If you want to attract new contributors to this dying project (actually dead project) , your current path
won’t bring you any new valuable contributors.
By valuable contributors I mean people that can bring this project to the next level , new features , new platforms , fixing some genuine bugs .
- Moving it only to the Russian speaking audience (boycotting all the rest) won’t bring new contributors
(an educated guess of mine , the Russians have now other worries on their mind ) - Removing existing platforms , won’t bring new contributors
- Arguing in a bad manner without respecting anyones opinion won’t bring you new contributors
- Blocking/removing people from this discussions forum because you don’t like their opinions , won’t bring you new contributors.
I personally think that this specific project is dead , people will continue to fork it for educational purpose only and not more than that.
Just my 2 cents
I guess I am going to receive some bad/negative response now
Live long and prosper

This is a bit off topic, but I’ve been meaning to ask you.
What are your plans about Urho.Net now?

Still working on it in a full pace.
.NET 6 is already supported on desktop (Linux,Window,MacOS) , Android , iOS
I have some difficulties to complete .NET 6 for browsers
Working on some new games
Working on my Editor
I guess I will have to write some documentation for others to use it

There is no need to start political discussions here. Life in Russia has not changed much. But I have heard a lot about how you restrict yourself in Europe in terms of heating and hygiene. Also, the Americans fulfilled their plan to deindustrialize Europe. It’s ridiculous to say that Volkswagen is now an American company.

Why this stream is banned on twich?