is inaccessible, so every time I log in (without using Github) I get a warning. Could this be fixed?
Or is it me?
:warning: No SSL on forums

It’s not just you. It says my connection is unsecured

I will look into it, I’m not sure what the options are for it yet.

I would like to have https as well please.

@hdunderscore Not sure if they include SSL with this sponsored plan, but maybe coordinate with the Discourse team and for a free SSL option, you can refer to this How-To post:
Hope that helps.

I’ve not been able to get to this sooner, but I believe the SSL is now enabled.
Thanks goes to the discourse staff – the free hosting for the open source projects did include SSL so all that was required was to ask

nice! I was able to load the site with SSL but getting some mixed content, maybe change one of the logo address to https://
or just //
under site settings and maybe get a full display of that green lock SSL icon at least on the homepage?
I think this particular image:

awesome, works great now hd

If anyone has issues logging in via, try .

…also maybe do a sticky for a bit re: this change or setup a force redirect

I have updated the forum URL in the Urho3D main website to use the https protocol.

Just received an update from discourse staff, all traffic is now forced to https.