I’m working on an app (not a game) which shows both 3d and 2d vector contents. Basically it should support popular desktop and moblie platforms.
I found Urho3d is the best open-source one available which has clean code structure and good cross-platform support. (Ogre3d’s code is too complex. OSG’s license is bad)
The special requirement is the app can be released as a control, so the users can use it like an android view or qt widget.
After some study of Urho3d code, I found the window/input system is done by SDL. Changing SDL looks too complicated to me. I tried to removed all the SDL code(window/ogl context management) in the graphics and finally rendered an Urho sample in a QGLWidget. But the code is really ugly, and not easy to port to other platforms. So, is there a better way to do it?
Another question is is it possible to render multiple Urho view simultaneously? This can be useful when user creates multiple controls.