Hi all,
I’d just like to say thanks weitjong for the excellent build system, I only got my Raspberry Pi 2 last night and got Urho3D to cross-compile on my laptop within the hour with Arch Linux! No X11 needed!
What I did was get the cross-compiler that Arch uses for armv7 (not armv6) and for the system root I literally just mounted the Pi2’s sysroot using sshfs which I found much easier than replicating one on the host machine.
So far I just needed to bump the GPU memory to 256MB and 1920x1200 res works but I brought it down to 720x480 for extra FPS which I needed to do in /boot/config.txt as the -x -y flags didn’t do anything. I set multi sample to -m 4 and I didn’t notice a huge performance hit at all!
I’m guessing the character demo issue is a known problem where some of the skinning is glitched, presumably because there’s only half the uniforms passed down to the shader on the Pi and the skinned character has more than 32 bones. I also noticed shadows didn’t render but I didn’t investigate this hugely, but render2texture stuff worked fine (it crashed though before I set it to use 256MB).
I thought I’d share my experience if anyone else wants to try it out or need verification that it does indeed work on the Pi2 using armv7, and on a distro that’s not raspian or pidora…