As a new comer to Urho3D I am extremely excited to get developing on my game ideas right away
I find the Urho3D Editor to be extremely impressive and it has just about everything at your finger tips. I also find that with just starting out, it seems to be quite a lot more complicated than I had expected. I like the Urho3D Editor and it’s extremely awesome what it does particularly in real-time editing.
but I was wondering how to best get started with Urho3D using text editors like gedit? I mean with all the files in the engine:
1: How do I start with just a blank empty Urho3D project; where is function main or do I not use a funciton main?
2: Do I just create my own .h/.cpp files and include them ( if so then where? ) ?
3: How do I go about ( on Linux Mint 17.1 ubuntu 14.04 ) compiling and running my changes as I go along? For example: create box, change box scale, change box scale again, change box scale yet again… and each change rebuild and run to see the changes.
4: And last but not least, how do I tell Urho3D to build a debug Android App ( i have the SDK’s and the NDK Dec 2014 r10d https://developer.android.com/tools/sdk/ndk/index.html )? Do I have to do something in particular to get Urho3Dto my Android tablet for “on-device” testing?
For example: create a Android Build folder somewhere then use terminal at that folder then run
*> ant debug clear
*> ant debug install
or is there another method to get my Urho3D game project to my tablet for “on-device” testing? ( i already have the tablet in developer mode )
Please bare with me if this seems like an “Read the manual” moment but I am just slightly unsure about how things work from reading up on everything. I am certain that it’s ‘me’ partially confusing myself and partially’ coming from various other engines from over the years