[quote=“weitjong”]I think I need a bigger screen! 
Could you share how you generate it?[/quote]
It is Ninja. Ninja is a replacement build system for makefiles, same task, it is just not for humans to write, it is designed to be generated by machines, like by CMake, and it is extremely fast compared to make with a lot of features from distribution to graph generation. I have my local Urho3D cmake_gcc.sh file modified to default to “Ninja” instead of “Unix Makefiles” to help my build time and I use a few of its features. Really wish that “Unix Makefiles” were not hardcoded, though I really wish the sh file was not necessary. ^.^
ninja -t graph | dot <whatever args you want>
As an example, ninja generates the graph in a couple of seconds, dot/graphviz is what takes forever depending on your settings, and I had mine set fairly high.