So, i’m starting to advance in my prototypes in Urho and i’m curious about the “Urho” way of instantiating dynamic assets. For example, in my component code i have direct references to cache->GetResource and everything. So, when the player gets a new weapon or something, i call that and instatiate it on the right spot. The same happens for muzzleflashes and grenades.
However, i don’t think that’s very maintainable. If an artist wants to quickly prototype a new model or a particle, he needs to change the C++ code. Or the script, if i were using AS. Is that how you guys do it? Or do you have some sort of configuration file with paths and everything? Any example with the best practices for dealing with data that changes a lot?
In Unity, i usually handle that with prefabs. And in the UI, the artist can “link” to a prefab or an asset.