Hey guys ,
I have a bunch of objects on my scene and i want to animate them on selecting them .
i think i need to set an id for each and maybe add them to a list . Not sure to implement this yet but the first issue would be how to select them on the scene .
var mushroom = scene.CreateChild (“Mushroom” , id);
In my createScene() function , i subscribed to touch events -
however i have no idea to check if an object was selected and how to process it .
E.g :
var rand = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
var mushroom = scene.CreateChild ("Mushroom");
mushroom.Position = new Vector3 (rand.Next (90)-45, 0, rand.Next (90)-45);
mushroom.Rotation = new Quaternion (0, rand.Next (360), 0);
mushroom.SetScale (0.5f+rand.Next (20000)/10000.0f);
var mushroomObject = mushroom.CreateComponent<StaticModel>();
mushroomObject.Model = cache.GetModel ("Models/Mushroom.mdl");
mushroomObject.SetMaterial (cache.GetMaterial ("Materials/Mushroom.xml"));