Just another work in progress glsl shader that I’m working on while learning how Urho shader works…
Underwater Distortion Effect (GLSL)

cool) but you probably need also add caustics effect for underwater land and objects for more realistically underwater world.
see this blender example: rghost.ru/7WyKYrf9z (first big grey button - “???”)
there a lot glsl shaders for water effects, probably they maybe ported into urho

[quote=“codingmonkey”]cool) but you probably need also add caustics effect for underwater land and objects for more realistically underwater world.
see this blender example: rghost.ru/7WyKYrf9z
there a lot glsl shaders for water effects, probably they maybe ported into urho[/quote]
Thanks and yes I agree. I will post source soon and maybe the water shader example can be completed.

[quote=“codingmonkey”]cool) but you probably need also add caustics effect for underwater land and objects for more realistically underwater world.
see this blender example: rghost.ru/7WyKYrf9z (first big grey button - “???”)
there a lot glsl shaders for water effects, probably they maybe ported into urho[/quote]
Latest verison of water shader and other fantasic things

[quote=“codingmonkey”]cool) but you probably need also add caustics effect for underwater land and objects for more realistically underwater world.
see this blender example: rghost.ru/7WyKYrf9z (first big grey button - “???”)
there a lot glsl shaders for water effects, probably they maybe ported into urho[/quote]
Wow… I can’t wait to have this in Urho

I’m also interested in this.

Hey guys, already updated with the code.

This one looks pretty cool. I think having couple particle emitters to shoot bubbles could work really well in there.

Thanks Tikari. Yes and some other effects as well.