To facilitate drawing custom shapes in the UI, it would be great to have a version of UIBatch::AddQuad that takes four corner points (either IntVector2 or Vector3, doesn’t really matter). The following code is a basic implementation (although ignore some of the hardcoded variables…):
void UICurve::AddCurveSegment(UIBatch& batch, Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c, Vector3 d)
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
const IntVector2& size = GetSize();
int width = size.x_;
int height = size.y_;
Matrix3x4 transform = GetTransform();
int texOffsetX = imageRect_.left_;
int texOffsetY = imageRect_.top_;
int texWidth = imageRect_.right_ - imageRect_.left_;
int texHeight = imageRect_.bottom_ - imageRect_.top_;
//URHO3D_LOGINFO("a: " + String(a) + ",b: " + String(b) + ",c: " + String(c) + ",d: " + String(d));
unsigned topLeftColor, topRightColor, bottomLeftColor, bottomRightColor;
if (!batch.useGradient_)
// If alpha is 0, nothing will be rendered, so do not add the quad
if (!(batch.color_ & 0xff000000))
topLeftColor = batch.color_;
topRightColor = batch.color_;
bottomLeftColor = batch.color_;
bottomRightColor = batch.color_;
topLeftColor = batch.GetInterpolatedColor(x, y);
topRightColor = batch.GetInterpolatedColor(x + width, y);
bottomLeftColor = batch.GetInterpolatedColor(x, y + height);
bottomRightColor = batch.GetInterpolatedColor(x + width, y + height);
/* Vector3 v1 = (transform * Vector3((float)x, (float)y, 0.0f)) - batch.posAdjust;
Vector3 v2 = (transform * Vector3((float)x + (float)width, (float)y, 0.0f)) - batch.posAdjust;
Vector3 v3 = (transform * Vector3((float)x, (float)y + (float)height, 0.0f)) - batch.posAdjust;
Vector3 v4 = (transform * Vector3((float)x + (float)width, (float)y + (float)height, 0.0f)) - batch.posAdjust*/;
Vector3 v1 = (transform * a) - batch.posAdjust;
Vector3 v2 = (transform * b) - batch.posAdjust;
Vector3 v3 = (transform * c) - batch.posAdjust;
Vector3 v4 = (transform * d) - batch.posAdjust;
float leftUV = 0.0f; // ((float)texOffsetX) * batch.invTextureSize_.x_;
float topUV = 0.0f;// ((float)texOffsetY) * batch.invTextureSize_.y_;
float rightUV = 1.0f;// ((float)(texOffsetX + (texWidth ? texWidth : width))) *batch.invTextureSize_.x_;
float bottomUV = 1.0f;// ((float)(texOffsetY + (texHeight ? texHeight : height))) * batch.invTextureSize_.y_;
unsigned begin = batch.vertexData_->Size();
batch.vertexData_->Resize(begin + 6 * UI_VERTEX_SIZE);
float* dest = &(batch.vertexData_->At(begin));
batch.vertexEnd_ = batch.vertexData_->Size();
dest[0] = v1.x_;
dest[1] = v1.y_;
dest[2] = 0.0f;
((unsigned&)dest[3]) = topLeftColor;
dest[4] = leftUV;
dest[5] = topUV;
dest[6] = v2.x_;
dest[7] = v2.y_;
dest[8] = 0.0f;
((unsigned&)dest[9]) = topRightColor;
dest[10] = rightUV;
dest[11] = topUV;
dest[12] = v3.x_;
dest[13] = v3.y_;
dest[14] = 0.0f;
((unsigned&)dest[15]) = bottomLeftColor;
dest[16] = leftUV;
dest[17] = bottomUV;
dest[18] = v2.x_;
dest[19] = v2.y_;
dest[20] = 0.0f;
((unsigned&)dest[21]) = topRightColor;
dest[22] = rightUV;
dest[23] = topUV;
dest[24] = v4.x_;
dest[25] = v4.y_;
dest[26] = 0.0f;
((unsigned&)dest[27]) = bottomRightColor;
dest[28] = rightUV;
dest[29] = bottomUV;
dest[30] = v3.x_;
dest[31] = v3.y_;
dest[32] = 0.0f;
((unsigned&)dest[33]) = bottomLeftColor;
dest[34] = leftUV;
dest[35] = bottomUV;