How do you properly align a Sprite onto a TileMap2D? I have been trying different ways but nothing is working. If I align the sprite via a fixed position offset alignment to tile 0,0. When the sprite goes to tile 24,0 it is misaligned by a few pixels regardless.
The tilemap used is from the Urho3D samples. I simply switched it to an orthogonal and disabled the isometric camera to see if that was the problem. The misalignment occurs on both ortho and iso.
Here is an image of the example and some relevant code.
[code] public static uint CreateSprite(Client client, string name, int x, int y)
var spriteNode2 = GameState.cur_tileMap.GetLayer(0).GetTileNode(24,24).CreateChild(“AnimatedSprite2D”);
//Hardcoded alignment
spriteNode2.Position = new Vector3(0.32f, 0.20f, 0f);
AnimatedSprite2D animatedSprite = spriteNode2.CreateComponent<AnimatedSprite2D>();
// Set animation
animatedSprite.AnimationSet = GetAnimationSet2D(client, name);
animatedSprite.SetAnimation("move_up_left", LoopMode2D.Default);
animatedSprite.Layer = 10;
return spriteNode2.ID;