Hi all. I would like to construct a Texture2D (to be used as a render target) that uses GPU memory which has already been allocated by some other API (Vulkan in my case). It is relatively simple to do with a few raw OpenGl calls like: glGenTextures, glCreateMemoryObjectsEXT, glImportMemory***EXT. I suppose it is not so hard to do with D3D either.
I can see that Texture2D inherits from GPUObject which provides GetGPUObjectName() for OpenGl and GetGPUObject() for D3D. So the underlying memory seems to be not so far away under the hood. A perfect solution would be some new Texture2D constructors taking a texture handle (Gluint or void* for D3D).
Is there any work done to allow such interoperability ?
If not, is it a lot of work ?
What would be the main steps to implement it in Urho3D ?
Is there any predictable issues head ?
Thanks a lot.