Hello, I’m new to this engine and would like to make 2D and 3D games with it. The Urho2D page of the documentation tells of a few tools I can use to create texture atlases. I’m on 32bit linux so I can’t use texturepacker or shoebox. I tried darkFunction Editor but the output doesn’t look similar to the coin example provided, is the format still usable? Are there any other options, thanks for any help.
Texture Atlas Tools Help

Hi wecome!
Yes, your right the 2D tilemap is not right in 32bit (mint linux) also, I did a youtube video of the samples and it’s just the green grass layer no water.
For 2D tiles I read the document page supports tiled (great program!) it’s on github, uses QT if I remember correctly.

I’m looking for a tool that creates atlases in the format Urho3D can read. The tilemap example works fine for me, I see both grass and water.

this tool darkfunction.com/editor/ run on java

I tried darFunction editor. The xml output is invalid to urho3d. Am I doing something wrong?

Make sure that you’re exporting in starling/sparrow format, most tools usually output to some other format by default.

darkFunction Editor doesn’t have options to change the output type in any of the menus.

DarkFunction Editor exports in its own xml format that you can’t easily customize. You will have to manually edit the exported file to match Starling/Sparrow format (the format used by Urho). From what I remember, only ShoeBox and TexturePacker allow direct export to Starling/Sparrow.
For Ubuntu32 there’s an old build of TexturePacker available at https://www.codeandweb.com/texturepacker/download-verify-license?os=ubuntu&version=3.0.10&file=TexturePacker-3.0.10-ubuntu32.deb.
For linux mint32 you can try to run ShoeBox with Wine (ShoeBox is an Air app).

The old version of TexturePacker worked, thanks Mike. However, it’s not a good idea to buy an outdated version of any program (the demo version defaces sheet output). Shoebox would be the next thing to try…

Although I don’t think we should have all the tools to be built in-house, but I believe that if one intends to create a texture packer tool then it can be accomplished rather easily because Urho3D has already all the necessary C++ classes. One would just need to creatively put those good bits together into a command-line tool and optionally enhance the Editor as the front-end for this tool. These are the classes I have in mind:
[ol][li]AreaAllocator class: it can be used to pack sprites into a smallest area.[/li]
[li]FontFaceBitmap class: it demonstrates how to use the AreaAllocator to pack glyphs into a texture, save the texture, and even output an xml file containing the information to access the individual glyph from the texture file.[/li][/ol]
The latter is not using Starling/Sparrow format, but you got the idea. One can output the xml file in any format he/she wishes. Just substitute font glyph with sprite .

Libgdx comes with texturepacker.
And older texturepacker with gui: code.google.com/p/libgdx-textur … loads/list
Java programs.