Hello, i’m reading the doc here : https://urho3d.github.io/documentation/HEAD/class_urho3_d_1_1_terrain.html and i saw a lot of method for asign neighbor : SetNorthNeighbor / south , west etc… but, in the code source (1.6 compiled & installed on my windows ), this methods dont exist, here pastebin of Terrain.h ( from Urho/Graphics ) : https://pastebin.com/XRJCkNra
on github, i can view this method , but when i download the zip (1.6) , this method are not exist.
Archive 17/01/2023.
Terrain neighbor


The doc you are refering to is ‘HEAD’, which is in sync with github.
The doc for 1.6 is at https://urho3d.github.io/documentation/1.6/
As neighbor terrains have been implemented a few days after the 1.6 release, they are not available in the zip.

my bad, i think the 1.6 and head are the same…