I’m trying to modify the code so that the spritebatch does not overlap models in 3d space. (I’m trying to enable depth test.)
[code]#ifndef SPRITEBATCH_H
namespace Urho3D
class Texture2D;
class Font;
class VertexBuffer;
class IndexBuffer;
class Graphics;
class SpriteBatch : public Object
struct VERTEX
Vector3 pos;
int color;
Vector2 uv;
struct BATCH
SharedPtr<Texture2D> pTexture;
int iBlendMode;
unsigned int iStart,iCount;
SpriteBatch(Context *context);
virtual ~SpriteBatch();
// Size of screen where sprites will be drawn.
// If width,height are lower than graphics->width,graphics->height
// then class automatic rescale up and centrize (similar like in flashplayer).
// if width,height will be 0, then graphics->width,graphis->height will be set.
void SetScreenSize(float fWidth=800,float fHeight=600);
// convert screen positions to rescaled position
Vector2 GetPointTo(const Vector2 &screen);
// convert rescaled position to screen position
Vector2 GetPointFrom(const Vector2 &view);
// start modify sprites
void PushModifier();
// modify sprites, modify functions must be between PushModifier()...Draw()...<here>...PopModifier().
bool ModifyPRS(const Vector2 &pos=Vector2::ZERO,float rotation=0,const Vector2 &scale=Vector2::ONE);
bool ModifyTransform(const Matrix4 &matrix);
bool ModifyColor(const Color &color=Color::WHITE);
bool ModifyGradientH(const Color &color_up=Color::WHITE,const Color &color_down=Color::RED);
bool ModifyGradientV(const Color &color_lf=Color::WHITE,const Color &color_rg=Color::RED);
// end of modify sprites
void PopModifier();
// initialize, create vertexbuffer and add event to render, must be called after constructor.
bool Initialize(unsigned int iBatchMax=512,unsigned int iQuadsMax=16300);
// begin()...end() between them, must be all Draw() functions
bool Begin();
// change blendmode
void SetBlendMode(int blendmode);
// draw sprite
bool Draw(Texture2D *texture,const Rect &dest,const Color &color);
bool Draw(Texture2D *texture,const Rect &dest,const Rect &src,const Color &color);
bool Draw(Texture2D *texture,const Rect &dest,const Rect &src,const Color &color,float rotation,const Vector2 &origin=Vector2::ZERO,const Vector2 &scale=Vector2::ONE,int SpriteEffect = SBFX_NONE);
bool Draw(Texture2D *texture,const Vector2 &dest,const Color &color);
bool Draw(Texture2D *texture,const Vector2 &dest,const Rect &src,const Color &color);
bool Draw(Texture2D *texture,const Vector2 &dest,const Rect &src,const Color &color,float rotation,const Vector2 &origin=Vector2::ZERO,const Vector2 &scale=Vector2::ONE,int SpriteEffect = SBFX_NONE);
// get x-size in pixels of textline
float GetWidthString(Font *font,int fontsize,const void *text,unsigned int textlength,int TextEffect = TFX_NONE);
// get y-size in pixels of text
float GetHeightString(Font *font,int fontsize,const void *text,unsigned int textlength,int TextEffect = TFX_NONE);
// draw text (TTF may not working like expected, tested only on bitmapfonts with 32bit color)
// if texteffect will be TFX_UNICODE16 then text parameter must be: L"HelloWorld"
bool DrawString(Font *font,int fontsize,const Vector2 &dest,const void *text,unsigned int textlength,const Color &color,int TextEffect = TFX_NONE);
// draw text with transformations (TTF may not working like expected, tested only on bitmapfonts with 32bit color)
bool DrawString(Font *font,int fontsize,const Vector2 &dest,const void *text,unsigned int textlength,const Color &color,float rotation,const Vector2 &origin=Vector2::ZERO,const Vector2 &scale=Vector2::ONE,int TextEffect = TFX_NONE);
// draw frame (drawframe(tex,Rect(0,0,100,100),Rect(0,0,96,96),Rect(32,32,32,32),color::white)
void DrawFrame(Texture2D *texture,const Rect &dest,const Rect &src,const Rect &borders,const Color &color);
// begin()...end() between them, must be all Draw() functions
void End();
void SetView(Camera* camera, Engine* engine);
void OnRender(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData);
BATCH* GetBatch(Texture2D *texture,int iBlendMode);
static float CalculateFixedScreenSize(float sw,float sh,float vw,float vh,float *ret);
std::vector<unsigned int> modifiers_;
Graphics* graphics_;
SharedPtr<VertexBuffer> vb_;
BATCH* batch_;
unsigned int maxbatch_,maxquads_,ibatch_,icount_;
VERTEX* vertex_;
int blendmode_;
float viewWidth_,viewHeight_;
float viewCalc_[5];
Camera* camera_;
Engine* engine_;
[code]#include “stdafx.h”
#include “SpriteBatch.h”
#include <stdio.h>
namespace Urho3D
static int g_iIB = 0;
static IndexBuffer *g_pIB = 0;
SpriteBatch::SpriteBatch(Context *context) : Object(context)
blendmode_ = BLEND_ALPHA;
vertex_ = 0;
graphics_ = 0;
batch_ = 0;
maxbatch_ = maxquads_ = ibatch_ = icount_ = 0;
viewWidth_ = 800;
viewHeight_ = 600;
viewCalc_[0] = viewCalc_[1] = 0;
viewCalc_[2] = 800; viewCalc_[3] = 600; viewCalc_[4] = 1;
if (g_iIB == 0)
// only one time we create indexbuffer for save memory
g_pIB = new IndexBuffer(context);
g_pIB->SetSize(16300 * 6, false);
unsigned short *index = (unsigned short *)g_pIB->Lock(0, 16300 * 6);
if (index)
int s = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 16300; i++)
index[(i * 6) + 0] = s + 0; index[(i * 6) + 1] = s + 1; index[(i * 6) + 2] = s + 2;
index[(i * 6) + 3] = s + 2; index[(i * 6) + 4] = s + 1; index[(i * 6) + 5] = s + 3;
s += 4;
UnsubscribeFromEvent(graphics_, E_ENDRENDERING);
if (batch_) delete[] batch_;
if (g_iIB <= 0)
if (g_pIB) delete g_pIB;
g_pIB = 0;
g_iIB = 0;
SpriteBatch::BATCH* SpriteBatch::GetBatch(Texture2D *texture, int iBlendMode)
if (icount_ >= (maxquads_ - 1) * 4 || texture == 0) return 0;
BATCH *b = &batch_[ibatch_];
if (b->pTexture == texture && b->iBlendMode == iBlendMode) return b;
if (ibatch_ >= maxbatch_) return 0;
batch_[ibatch_].pTexture = texture;
batch_[ibatch_].iBlendMode = iBlendMode;
batch_[ibatch_].iStart = icount_;
batch_[ibatch_].iCount = 0;
return &batch_[ibatch_];
float SpriteBatch::CalculateFixedScreenSize(float sw, float sh, float vw, float vh, float *ret)
float sAspect = sw / sh;
float vAspect = vw / vh;
float scale = 1;
ret[0] = ret[1] = 0; ret[2] = vw; ret[3] = vh;
if (sAspect > vAspect)
scale = sh / vh;
ret[0] = (sw - vw*scale)*0.5f;
else if (sAspect < vAspect) {
scale = sw / vw;
ret[1] = (sh - vh*scale)*0.5f;
else {
scale = sw / vw;
ret[2] *= scale; ret[3] *= scale;
ret[4] = scale;
//glViewport(ret[0], ret[1], ret[2], ret[3]);
return scale;
Vector2 SpriteBatch::GetPointTo(const Vector2 &screen)
return Vector2((screen.x_ - viewCalc_[0]) * (1.0f / viewCalc_[4]), (screen.y_ - viewCalc_[1]) * (1.0f / viewCalc_[4]));
Vector2 SpriteBatch::GetPointFrom(const Vector2 &view)
return Vector2((view.x_*viewCalc_[4]) + viewCalc_[0], (view.y_*viewCalc_[4]) + viewCalc_[1]);
bool SpriteBatch::Begin()
ibatch_ = icount_ = 0;
if (!vertex_) vertex_ = (VERTEX *)vb_->Lock(0, maxquads_ * 4);
return (vertex_ != 0);
void SpriteBatch::End()
if (vertex_)
vertex_ = 0;
void SpriteBatch::SetBlendMode(int blendmode)
blendmode_ = blendmode;
bool SpriteBatch::Draw(Texture2D *texture, const Rect &dest, const Color &color)
if (!texture) return false;
float w = (float)texture->GetWidth();
float h = (float)texture->GetHeight();
return Draw(texture, dest, Rect(0, 0, w, h), color);
bool SpriteBatch::Draw(Texture2D *texture, const Rect &dest, const Rect &src, const Color &color)
if (color.a_ <= 0) return true;
BATCH *batch = GetBatch(texture, blendmode_);
if (!batch) return false;
vertex_[icount_ + 0].pos = Vector3(dest.min_.x_, dest.min_.y_, icount_ * -0.0001f);
vertex_[icount_ + 1].pos = Vector3(dest.max_.x_, dest.min_.y_, icount_ * -0.0001f);
vertex_[icount_ + 2].pos = Vector3(dest.min_.x_, dest.max_.y_, icount_ * -0.0001f);
vertex_[icount_ + 3].pos = Vector3(dest.max_.x_, dest.max_.y_, icount_ * -0.0001f);
vertex_[icount_ + 0].color = vertex_[icount_ + 1].color = vertex_[icount_ + 2].color = vertex_[icount_ + 3].color = color.ToUInt();
float w = 1.0f / (float)texture->GetWidth();
float h = 1.0f / (float)texture->GetHeight();
vertex_[icount_ + 0].uv = Vector2(src.min_.x_*w, src.min_.y_*h);
vertex_[icount_ + 1].uv = Vector2(src.max_.x_*w, src.min_.y_*h);
vertex_[icount_ + 2].uv = Vector2(src.min_.x_*w, src.max_.y_*h);
vertex_[icount_ + 3].uv = Vector2(src.max_.x_*w, src.max_.y_*h);
icount_ += 4;
batch->iCount += 4;
return true;
bool SpriteBatch::Draw(Texture2D *texture, const Rect &dest, const Rect &src, const Color &color, float rotation, const Vector2 &origin, const Vector2 &scale, int SpriteEffect)
if (color.a_ <= 0) return true;
BATCH *batch = GetBatch(texture, blendmode_);
if (!batch) return false;
Vector2 startxy = -origin;
Vector2 toxy = startxy + dest.Size();
vertex_[icount_ + 0].pos = Vector3(startxy.x_, startxy.y_, icount_ * 0.0001f);
vertex_[icount_ + 1].pos = Vector3(toxy.x_, startxy.y_, icount_ * 0.0001f);
vertex_[icount_ + 2].pos = Vector3(startxy.x_, toxy.y_, icount_ * 0.0001f);
vertex_[icount_ + 3].pos = Vector3(toxy.x_, toxy.y_, icount_ * 0.0001f);
Matrix4 m(Matrix4::IDENTITY);
m.m00_ = cosf(rotation) * scale.x_; m.m10_ = sinf(rotation) * scale.x_;
m.m01_ = -sinf(rotation) * scale.y_; m.m11_ = cosf(rotation) * scale.y_;
m.m03_ = dest.min_.x_; m.m13_ = dest.min_.y_;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) vertex_[icount_ + i].pos = m * vertex_[icount_ + i].pos;
vertex_[icount_ + 0].color = vertex_[icount_ + 1].color = vertex_[icount_ + 2].color = vertex_[icount_ + 3].color = color.ToUInt();
float w = 1.0f / (float)texture->GetWidth();
float h = 1.0f / (float)texture->GetHeight();
Vector2 uv1 = src.min_;
Vector2 uv2 = src.max_;
if (SpriteEffect & SBFX_FLIPH) { uv1.x_ = src.max_.x_; uv2.x_ = src.min_.x_; };
if (SpriteEffect & SBFX_FLIPV) { uv1.y_ = src.max_.y_; uv2.y_ = src.min_.y_; };
vertex_[icount_ + 0].uv = Vector2(uv1.x_*w, uv1.y_*h);
vertex_[icount_ + 1].uv = Vector2(uv2.x_*w, uv1.y_*h);
vertex_[icount_ + 2].uv = Vector2(uv1.x_*w, uv2.y_*h);
vertex_[icount_ + 3].uv = Vector2(uv2.x_*w, uv2.y_*h);
icount_ += 4;
batch->iCount += 4;
return true;
bool SpriteBatch::Draw(Texture2D *texture, const Vector2 &xy, const Color &color)
if (!texture) return false;
Rect dest(xy.x_, xy.y_, xy.x_ + (float)texture->GetWidth(), xy.y_ + (float)texture->GetHeight());
return Draw(texture, dest, color);
bool SpriteBatch::Draw(Texture2D *texture, const Vector2 &xy, const Rect &src, const Color &color)
Rect dest(xy.x_, xy.y_, xy.x_ + src.Size().x_, xy.y_ + src.Size().y_);
return Draw(texture, dest, src, color);
bool SpriteBatch::Draw(Texture2D *texture, const Vector2 &xy, const Rect &src, const Color &color, float rotation, const Vector2 &origin, const Vector2 &scale, int SpriteEffect)
Rect dest(xy.x_, xy.y_, xy.x_ + src.Size().x_, xy.y_ + src.Size().y_);
return Draw(texture, dest, src, color, rotation, origin, scale, SpriteEffect);
float SpriteBatch::GetHeightString(Font *font, int fontsize, const void *text, unsigned int textlength, int TextEffect)
if (font == 0 || text == 0 || ((const char *)text)[0] == 0 || textlength == 0) return 0;
FontFace *face = font->GetFace(fontsize);
if (!face) return 0;
float row = (float)face->GetRowHeight();
float H = row;
unsigned int i = 0, chr = 0;
if (TextEffect & TFX_UNICODE16) textlength *= 2;
for (i = 0; i < textlength;)
chr = ((const char *)text)[i++];
if (TextEffect & TFX_UNICODE16) chr |= (((const char *)text)[i++]) << 8;
if (chr == 0) break;
if (chr == 0x0A) { H += row; continue; };
if (TextEffect & TFX_VCENTER) return H*0.5f;
if (TextEffect & TFX_VBOTTOM) return H;
return H;
float SpriteBatch::GetWidthString(Font *font, int fontsize, const void *text, unsigned int textlength, int TextEffect)
if (font == 0 || text == 0 || ((const char *)text)[0] == 0 || textlength == 0) return 0;
FontFace *face = font->GetFace(fontsize);
if (!face) return 0;
float W = 0;
const FontGlyph *glyph;
unsigned int i = 0, chr = 0, chrn = 0;
if (TextEffect & TFX_UNICODE16) textlength *= 2;
for (i = 0; i < textlength;)
chr = ((const char *)text)[i];
if (TextEffect & TFX_UNICODE16) chr |= (((const char *)text)[i + 1]) << 8;
if (chr == 0 || chr == 0x0A) break;
if (TextEffect & TFX_UNICODE16)
chrn = ((const char *)text)[i + 2];
chrn |= (((const char *)text)[i + 3]) << 8;
else {
chrn = ((const char *)text)[i + 1];
glyph = face->GetGlyph(chr);
if (glyph == 0) continue;
W += glyph->advanceX_;
W += face->GetKerning(chr, chrn);
i += ((TextEffect & TFX_UNICODE16) ? 2 : 1);
if (TextEffect & TFX_HCENTER) return -W*0.5f;
if (TextEffect & TFX_HRIGHT) return -W;
return W;
bool SpriteBatch::DrawString(Font *font, int fontsize, const Vector2 &dest, const void *text, unsigned int textlength, const Color &color, int TextEffect)
if (color.a_ <= 0 || text == 0 || ((const char *)text)[0] == 0 || textlength == 0) return true;
if (!font) return false;
FontFace *face = font->GetFace(fontsize);
if (!face) return false;
float ZH = (float)face->GetRowHeight();
Vector2 CPos = dest;
if (TextEffect & (TFX_VBOTTOM | TFX_VCENTER)) CPos.y_ -= GetHeightString(font, fontsize, text, textlength, TextEffect);
if (TextEffect & (TFX_HRIGHT | TFX_HCENTER)) CPos.x_ += GetWidthString(font, fontsize, text, textlength, TextEffect);
Vector2 Scr;
Rect TexRect;
const FontGlyph *glyph;
unsigned int i = 0, chr = 0, chrn = 0, Step = 1;
const Vector<SharedPtr<Texture2D> > &texs = face->GetTextures();
if (TextEffect & TFX_UNICODE16) { textlength *= 2; Step = 2; };
for (i = 0; i < textlength; i += Step)
chr = ((const char *)text)[i];
if (TextEffect & TFX_UNICODE16) chr |= (((const char *)text)[i + 1]) << 8;
if (chr == 0) break;
if (TextEffect & TFX_UNICODE16)
chrn = ((const char *)text)[i + 2];
chrn |= (((const char *)text)[i + 3]) << 8;
else {
chrn = ((const char *)text)[i + 1];
if (chr == 0x0A)
CPos.x_ = dest.x_; CPos.y_ += ZH;
if (TextEffect & (TFX_HRIGHT | TFX_HCENTER)) CPos.x_ += GetWidthString(font, fontsize, &((const char *)text)[i + Step], (textlength - (i + Step)) / Step, TextEffect);
glyph = face->GetGlyph(chr);
if (glyph == 0) continue;
Scr = Vector2(glyph->offsetX_ + CPos.x_, glyph->offsetY_ + CPos.y_);
TexRect = Rect((float)glyph->x_, (float)glyph->y_, (float)(glyph->x_ + glyph->width_), (float)(glyph->y_ + glyph->height_));
CPos.x_ += glyph->advanceX_;
CPos.x_ += face->GetKerning(chr, chrn);
if (glyph->page_ < texs.Size()) Draw(texs[glyph->page_], Scr, TexRect, color);
return true;
bool SpriteBatch::DrawString(Font *font, int fontsize, const Vector2 &dest, const void *text, unsigned int textlength, const Color &color, float rotation, const Vector2 &origin, const Vector2 &scale, int TextEffect)
if (color.a_ <= 0) return true;
bool bOk = true;
bOk = DrawString(font, fontsize, -origin, text, textlength, color, TextEffect);
ModifyPRS(dest, rotation, scale);
return bOk;
void SpriteBatch::DrawFrame(Texture2D *texture, const Rect &dest, const Rect &src, const Rect &borders, const Color &color)
if (color.a_ <= 0) return;
Draw(texture, Rect(dest.min_.x_, dest.min_.y_, dest.min_.x_ + borders.min_.x_, dest.min_.y_ + borders.min_.y_), Rect(src.min_.x_, src.min_.y_, src.min_.x_ + borders.min_.x_, src.min_.y_ + borders.min_.y_), color);
Draw(texture, Rect(dest.min_.x_, dest.max_.y_ - borders.max_.y_, dest.min_.x_ + borders.min_.x_, dest.max_.y_), Rect(src.min_.x_, src.max_.y_ - borders.max_.y_, src.min_.x_ + borders.min_.x_, src.max_.y_), color);
Draw(texture, Rect(dest.max_.x_ - borders.max_.x_, dest.min_.y_, dest.max_.x_, dest.min_.y_ + borders.min_.y_), Rect(src.max_.x_ - borders.max_.x_, src.min_.y_, src.max_.x_, src.min_.y_ + borders.min_.y_), color);
Draw(texture, Rect(dest.max_.x_ - borders.max_.x_, dest.max_.y_ - borders.max_.y_, dest.max_.x_, dest.max_.y_), Rect(src.max_.x_ - borders.max_.x_, src.max_.y_ - borders.max_.y_, src.max_.x_, src.max_.y_), color);
Draw(texture, Rect(dest.min_.x_ + borders.min_.x_, dest.min_.y_, dest.max_.x_ - borders.max_.x_, dest.min_.y_ + borders.min_.y_), Rect(src.min_.x_ + borders.min_.x_, src.min_.y_, src.max_.x_ - borders.max_.x_, src.min_.y_ + borders.min_.y_), color);
Draw(texture, Rect(dest.min_.x_ + borders.min_.x_, dest.max_.y_ - borders.max_.y_, dest.max_.x_ - borders.max_.x_, dest.max_.y_), Rect(src.min_.x_ + borders.min_.x_, src.max_.y_ - borders.max_.y_, src.max_.x_ - borders.max_.x_, src.max_.y_), color);
Draw(texture, Rect(dest.min_.x_, dest.min_.y_ + borders.min_.y_, dest.min_.x_ + borders.min_.x_, dest.max_.y_ - borders.max_.y_), Rect(src.min_.x_, src.min_.y_ + borders.min_.y_, src.min_.x_ + borders.min_.x_, src.max_.y_ - borders.max_.y_), color);
Draw(texture, Rect(dest.max_.x_ - borders.max_.x_, dest.min_.y_ + borders.min_.y_, dest.max_.x_, dest.max_.y_ - borders.max_.y_), Rect(src.max_.x_ - borders.max_.x_, src.min_.y_ + borders.min_.y_, src.max_.x_, src.max_.y_ - borders.max_.y_), color);
Draw(texture, Rect(dest.min_.x_ + borders.min_.x_, dest.min_.y_ + borders.min_.y_, dest.max_.x_ - borders.max_.x_, dest.max_.y_ - borders.max_.y_), Rect(src.min_.x_ + borders.min_.x_, src.min_.y_ + borders.min_.y_, src.max_.x_ - borders.max_.x_, src.max_.y_ - borders.max_.y_), color);
void SpriteBatch::PushModifier()
void SpriteBatch::PopModifier()
if (modifiers_.size() > 0) modifiers_.pop_back();
bool SpriteBatch::ModifyPRS(const Vector2 &pos, float rotation, const Vector2 &scale)
if (modifiers_.size() == 0 || vertex_ == 0) return false;
Matrix4 m(Matrix4::IDENTITY);
m.m00_ = cosf(rotation) * scale.x_; m.m10_ = sinf(rotation) * scale.x_;
m.m01_ = -sinf(rotation) * scale.y_; m.m11_ = cosf(rotation) * scale.y_;
m.m03_ = pos.x_; m.m13_ = pos.y_;
unsigned int bk_icount = modifiers_.back();
for (unsigned int i = bk_icount; i < icount_; i++) vertex_[i].pos = m * vertex_[i].pos;
return true;
bool SpriteBatch::ModifyTransform(const Matrix4 &matrix)
if (modifiers_.size() == 0 || vertex_ == 0) return false;
unsigned int bk_icount = modifiers_.back();
for (unsigned int i = bk_icount; i < icount_; i++) vertex_[i].pos = matrix * vertex_[i].pos;
return true;
bool SpriteBatch::ModifyColor(const Color &color)
if (modifiers_.size() == 0 || vertex_ == 0) return false;
unsigned int col_uint = color.ToUInt();
unsigned int bk_icount = modifiers_.back();
for (unsigned int i = bk_icount; i < icount_; i++) vertex_[i].color = col_uint;
return true;
bool SpriteBatch::ModifyGradientH(const Color &color_up, const Color &color_down)
if (modifiers_.size() == 0 || vertex_ == 0) return false;
unsigned int col_1 = color_up.ToUInt();
unsigned int col_2 = color_down.ToUInt();
unsigned int bk_icount = modifiers_.back();
for (unsigned int i = bk_icount; i < icount_; i += 4)
vertex_[i + 0].color = vertex_[i + 1].color = col_1;
vertex_[i + 2].color = vertex_[i + 3].color = col_2;
return true;
bool SpriteBatch::ModifyGradientV(const Color &color_lf, const Color &color_rg)
if (modifiers_.size() == 0 || vertex_ == 0) return false;
unsigned int col_1 = color_lf.ToUInt();
unsigned int col_2 = color_rg.ToUInt();
unsigned int bk_icount = modifiers_.back();
for (unsigned int i = bk_icount; i < icount_; i += 4)
vertex_[i + 0].color = vertex_[i + 2].color = col_1;
vertex_[i + 1].color = vertex_[i + 3].color = col_2;
return true;
bool SpriteBatch::Initialize(unsigned int iBatchMax, unsigned int iQuadsMax)
graphics_ = GetSubsystem<Graphics>();
if (iQuadsMax > 16300 || iQuadsMax == 0) iQuadsMax = 16300;
if (iBatchMax == 0) iBatchMax = 512;
vertex_ = 0;
ibatch_ = icount_ = 0;
maxbatch_ = iBatchMax;
maxquads_ = iQuadsMax;
if (batch_) delete[] batch_;
batch_ = new BATCH[maxbatch_];
vb_ = new VertexBuffer(context_);
vb_->SetSize(iQuadsMax * 4, MASK_POSITION | MASK_COLOR | MASK_TEXCOORD1, true);
//UnsubscribeFromEvent(graphics_, E_POSTRENDERUPDATE);
//SubscribeToEvent(graphics_, E_POSTRENDERUPDATE, HANDLER(SpriteBatch, OnRender));
return true;
void SpriteBatch::SetScreenSize(float fWidth, float fHeight)
if (fWidth <= 0) fWidth = (float)graphics_->GetWidth();
if (fHeight <= 0) fHeight = (float)graphics_->GetHeight();
viewWidth_ = fWidth;
viewHeight_ = fHeight;
void SpriteBatch::OnRender(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
if (!(graphics_ && graphics_->IsInitialized() && !graphics_->IsDeviceLost())) return;
if (icount_ == 0 || ibatch_ == 0) return;
ShaderVariation* vs = graphics_->GetShader(VS, "Basic", "DIFFMAP VERTEXCOLOR");
ShaderVariation* ps = graphics_->GetShader(PS, "Basic", "DIFFMAP VERTEXCOLOR");
graphics_->SetCullMode(CULL_NONE); // ??? ??? ????? ????? ???????? ??????? ??????? ?????????, ????? ?? ???? ????? ??? ???? ??????? (??? ?????????)
graphics_->SetShaders(vs, ps);
graphics_->SetShaderParameter(VSP_MODEL, Matrix3x4::IDENTITY);
graphics_->SetShaderParameter(VSP_VIEWPROJ, camera_->GetProjection() * camera_->GetView());
graphics_->SetShaderParameter(PSP_MATDIFFCOLOR, Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < ibatch_ + 1; i++)
BATCH *b = &batch_[i];
graphics_->SetTexture(0, b->pTexture);
graphics_->Draw(TRIANGLE_LIST, (b->iStart / 4) * 6, (b->iCount / 4) * 6, 0, b->iCount);
void SpriteBatch::SetView(Camera* camera, Engine* engine)
camera_ = camera;
engine_ = engine;
[code]#pragma once
#include <Urho3D/Urho3D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Revision.h>
#include <Urho3D/Audio/Audio.h>
#include <Urho3D/Audio/AudioDefs.h>
#include <Urho3D/Audio/BufferedSoundStream.h>
#include <Urho3D/Audio/OggVorbisSoundStream.h>
#include <Urho3D/Audio/Sound.h>
#include <Urho3D/Audio/SoundListener.h>
#include <Urho3D/Audio/SoundSource.h>
#include <Urho3D/Audio/SoundSource3D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Audio/SoundStream.h>
#include <Urho3D/Container/Allocator.h>
#include <Urho3D/Container/ArrayPtr.h>
#include <Urho3D/Container/ForEach.h>
#include <Urho3D/Container/Hash.h>
#include <Urho3D/Container/HashBase.h>
#include <Urho3D/Container/HashMap.h>
#include <Urho3D/Container/HashSet.h>
#include <Urho3D/Container/LinkedList.h>
#include <Urho3D/Container/List.h>
#include <Urho3D/Container/ListBase.h>
#include <Urho3D/Container/Pair.h>
#include <Urho3D/Container/Ptr.h>
#include <Urho3D/Container/RefCounted.h>
#include <Urho3D/Container/Sort.h>
#include <Urho3D/Container/Str.h>
#include <Urho3D/Container/Swap.h>
#include <Urho3D/Container/Vector.h>
#include <Urho3D/Container/VectorBase.h>
#include <Urho3D/Core/Attribute.h>
#include <Urho3D/Core/Condition.h>
#include <Urho3D/Core/Context.h>
#include <Urho3D/Core/CoreEvents.h>
#include <Urho3D/Core/Main.h>
#include <Urho3D/Core/MiniDump.h>
#include <Urho3D/Core/Mutex.h>
#include <Urho3D/Core/Object.h>
#include <Urho3D/Core/ProcessUtils.h>
#include <Urho3D/Core/Profiler.h>
#include <Urho3D/Core/Spline.h>
#include <Urho3D/Core/StringUtils.h>
#include <Urho3D/Core/Thread.h>
#include <Urho3D/Core/Timer.h>
#include <Urho3D/Core/Variant.h>
#include <Urho3D/Core/WorkQueue.h>
#include <Urho3D/Engine/Application.h>
#include <Urho3D/Engine/Console.h>
#include <Urho3D/Engine/DebugHud.h>
#include <Urho3D/Engine/Engine.h>
#include <Urho3D/Engine/EngineEvents.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/AnimatedModel.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/Animation.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/AnimationController.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/AnimationState.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/Batch.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/BillboardSet.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/Camera.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/ConstantBuffer.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/CustomGeometry.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/DebugRenderer.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/DecalSet.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/Drawable.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/DrawableEvents.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/Geometry.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/GPUObject.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/Graphics.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/GraphicsDefs.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/GraphicsEvents.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/GraphicsImpl.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/IndexBuffer.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/Light.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/Material.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/Model.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/OcclusionBuffer.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/Octree.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/OctreeQuery.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/ParticleEffect.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/ParticleEmitter.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/Renderer.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/RenderPath.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/RenderSurface.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/Shader.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/ShaderPrecache.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/ShaderProgram.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/ShaderVariation.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/Skeleton.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/Skybox.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/StaticModel.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/StaticModelGroup.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/Tangent.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/Technique.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/Terrain.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/TerrainPatch.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/Texture.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/Texture2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/Texture3D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/TextureCube.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/VertexBuffer.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/VertexDeclaration.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/View.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/Viewport.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/Zone.h>
#include <Urho3D/Input/Controls.h>
#include <Urho3D/Input/Input.h>
#include <Urho3D/Input/InputEvents.h>
#include <Urho3D/IO/Compression.h>
#include <Urho3D/IO/Deserializer.h>
#include <Urho3D/IO/File.h>
#include <Urho3D/IO/FileSystem.h>
#include <Urho3D/IO/FileWatcher.h>
#include <Urho3D/IO/IOEvents.h>
#include <Urho3D/IO/Log.h>
#include <Urho3D/IO/MacFileWatcher.h>
#include <Urho3D/IO/MemoryBuffer.h>
#include <Urho3D/IO/PackageFile.h>
#include <Urho3D/IO/RWOpsWrapper.h>
#include <Urho3D/IO/Serializer.h>
#include <Urho3D/IO/VectorBuffer.h>
#include <Urho3D/Math/AreaAllocator.h>
#include <Urho3D/Math/BoundingBox.h>
#include <Urho3D/Math/Color.h>
#include <Urho3D/Math/Frustum.h>
#include <Urho3D/Math/MathDefs.h>
#include <Urho3D/Math/Matrix3.h>
#include <Urho3D/Math/Matrix3x4.h>
#include <Urho3D/Math/Matrix4.h>
#include <Urho3D/Math/Plane.h>
#include <Urho3D/Math/Polyhedron.h>
#include <Urho3D/Math/Quaternion.h>
#include <Urho3D/Math/Random.h>
#include <Urho3D/Math/Ray.h>
#include <Urho3D/Math/Rect.h>
#include <Urho3D/Math/Sphere.h>
#include <Urho3D/Math/StringHash.h>
#include <Urho3D/Math/Vector2.h>
#include <Urho3D/Math/Vector3.h>
#include <Urho3D/Math/Vector4.h>
#include <Urho3D/Navigation/Navigable.h>
#include <Urho3D/Navigation/NavigationMesh.h>
#include <Urho3D/Navigation/OffMeshConnection.h>
#include <Urho3D/Network/Connection.h>
#include <Urho3D/Network/HttpRequest.h>
#include <Urho3D/Network/Network.h>
#include <Urho3D/Network/NetworkEvents.h>
#include <Urho3D/Network/NetworkPriority.h>
#include <Urho3D/Network/Protocol.h>
#include <Urho3D/Physics/CollisionShape.h>
#include <Urho3D/Physics/Constraint.h>
#include <Urho3D/Physics/PhysicsEvents.h>
#include <Urho3D/Physics/PhysicsUtils.h>
#include <Urho3D/Physics/PhysicsWorld.h>
#include <Urho3D/Physics/RigidBody.h>
#include <Urho3D/Resource/BackgroundLoader.h>
#include <Urho3D/Resource/Decompress.h>
#include <Urho3D/Resource/Image.h>
#include <Urho3D/Resource/JSONFile.h>
#include <Urho3D/Resource/JSONValue.h>
#include <Urho3D/Resource/PListFile.h>
#include <Urho3D/Resource/Resource.h>
#include <Urho3D/Resource/ResourceCache.h>
#include <Urho3D/Resource/ResourceEvents.h>
#include <Urho3D/Resource/XMLElement.h>
#include <Urho3D/Resource/XMLFile.h>
#include <Urho3D/Scene/Animatable.h>
#include <Urho3D/Scene/AnimationDefs.h>
#include <Urho3D/Scene/Component.h>
#include <Urho3D/Scene/LogicComponent.h>
#include <Urho3D/Scene/Node.h>
#include <Urho3D/Scene/ObjectAnimation.h>
#include <Urho3D/Scene/ReplicationState.h>
#include <Urho3D/Scene/Scene.h>
#include <Urho3D/Scene/SceneEvents.h>
#include <Urho3D/Scene/SceneResolver.h>
#include <Urho3D/Scene/Serializable.h>
#include <Urho3D/Scene/SmoothedTransform.h>
#include <Urho3D/Scene/SplinePath.h>
#include <Urho3D/Scene/UnknownComponent.h>
#include <Urho3D/Scene/ValueAnimation.h>
#include <Urho3D/Scene/ValueAnimationInfo.h>
#include <Urho3D/Script/Addons.h>
#include <Urho3D/Script/APITemplates.h>
#include <Urho3D/Script/Script.h>
#include <Urho3D/Script/ScriptAPI.h>
#include <Urho3D/Script/ScriptEventListener.h>
#include <Urho3D/Script/ScriptFile.h>
#include <Urho3D/Script/ScriptInstance.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/BorderImage.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/Button.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/CheckBox.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/Cursor.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/DropDownList.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/FileSelector.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/Font.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/FontFace.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/FontFaceBitmap.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/FontFaceFreeType.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/LineEdit.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/ListView.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/Menu.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/MessageBox.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/ScrollBar.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/ScrollView.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/Slider.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/Sprite.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/Text.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/Text3D.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/ToolTip.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/UI.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/UIBatch.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/UIElement.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/UIEvents.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/View3D.h>
#include <Urho3D/UI/Window.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/AnimatedSprite2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/Animation2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/AnimationSet2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/CollisionBox2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/CollisionChain2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/CollisionCircle2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/CollisionEdge2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/CollisionPolygon2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/CollisionShape2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/Constraint2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/ConstraintDistance2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/ConstraintFriction2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/ConstraintGear2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/ConstraintMotor2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/ConstraintMouse2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/ConstraintPrismatic2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/ConstraintPulley2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/ConstraintRevolute2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/ConstraintRope2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/ConstraintWeld2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/ConstraintWheel2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/Drawable2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/ParticleEffect2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/ParticleEmitter2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/PhysicsEvents2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/PhysicsUtils2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/PhysicsWorld2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/Renderer2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/RigidBody2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/Sprite2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/SpriteSheet2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/StaticSprite2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/TileMap2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/TileMapDefs2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/TileMapLayer2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/TmxFile2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Urho2D/Urho2D.h>
#include <Urho3D/DebugNew.h>
using namespace Urho3D;
[code]#include “stdafx.h”
#include “Game.h”
Game::Game(Context* context) :
void Game::Setup()
engineParameters_[“WindowTitle”] = GetTypeName();
engineParameters_[“LogName”] = GetSubsystem()->GetAppPreferencesDir(“urho3d”, “logs”) + GetTypeName() + “.log”;
engineParameters_[“FullScreen”] = false;
engineParameters_[“Headless”] = false;
engineParameters_[“WindowWidth”] = 800;
engineParameters_[“WindowHeight”] = 600;
// engineParameters_[“ResourcePaths”] = “Data;CoreData;MyData”;
void Game::Start()
spriteBatch_ = new SpriteBatch(context_);
spriteBatch_->SetView(cameraNode_->GetComponent(), engine_);
ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem();
XMLFile* xmlFile = cache->GetResource(“UI/DefaultStyle.xml”);
DebugHud* debugHud = engine_->CreateDebugHud();
void Game::SetupViewport()
Renderer* renderer = GetSubsystem();
SharedPtr viewport(new Viewport(context_, scene_, cameraNode_->GetComponent()));
renderer->SetViewport(0, viewport);
void Game::CreateScene()
ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem();
scene_ = new Scene(context_);
Node* planeNode = scene_->CreateChild("Plane");
planeNode->SetScale(Vector3(100.0f, 1.0f, 100.0f));
StaticModel* planeObject = planeNode->CreateComponent<StaticModel>();
Node* lightNode = scene_->CreateChild("DirectionalLight");
lightNode->SetDirection(Vector3(0.6f, -1.0f, 0.8f));
Light* light = lightNode->CreateComponent<Light>();
light->SetColor(Color(0.6f, 0.5f, 0.2f));
light->SetShadowBias(BiasParameters(0.00025f, 0.5f));
light->SetShadowCascade(CascadeParameters(10.0f, 50.0f, 200.0f, 0.0f, 0.8f));
Node* zoneNode = scene_->CreateChild("Zone");
Zone* zone = zoneNode->CreateComponent<Zone>();
zone->SetBoundingBox(BoundingBox(-1000.0f, 1000.0f));
zone->SetAmbientColor(Color(0.4f, 0.5f, 0.8f));
zone->SetFogColor(Color(0.4f, 0.5f, 0.8f));
const unsigned NUM_OBJECTS = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < NUM_OBJECTS; ++i)
Node* mushroomNode = scene_->CreateChild("Mushroom");
mushroomNode->SetPosition(Vector3(Random(90.0f) - 45.0f, 0.0f, Random(90.0f) - 45.0f));
mushroomNode->SetRotation(Quaternion(0.0f, Random(360.0f), 0.0f));
mushroomNode->SetScale(0.1f + Random(.2f));
StaticModel* mushroomObject = mushroomNode->CreateComponent<StaticModel>();
Node* mushroomNode = scene_->CreateChild("Mushroom");
mushroomNode->SetPosition(Vector3(0, 0.0f, 0));
StaticModel* mushroomObject = mushroomNode->CreateComponent<StaticModel>();
cameraNode_ = scene_->CreateChild("Camera");
Camera* camera = cameraNode_->CreateComponent<Camera>();
cameraNode_->SetPosition(Vector3(0.0f, 0.5f, -10.0f));
cameraNode_->LookAt(Vector3(0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f));
Graphics* graphics = GetSubsystem<Graphics>();
camera->SetOrthoSize((float)graphics->GetHeight() * PIXEL_SIZE);
void Game::MoveCamera(float timeStep)
Input* input = GetSubsystem();
const float MOVE_SPEED = 20.0f;
const float MOUSE_SENSITIVITY = 0.1f;
IntVector2 mouseMove = input->GetMouseMove();
yaw_ += MOUSE_SENSITIVITY * mouseMove.x_;
pitch_ += MOUSE_SENSITIVITY * mouseMove.y_;
pitch_ = Clamp(pitch_, -90.0f, 90.0f);
cameraNode_->SetRotation(Quaternion(pitch_, yaw_, 0.0f));
if (input->GetKeyDown('Q'))
cameraNode_->Translate(Vector3::UP * MOVE_SPEED * timeStep);
if (input->GetKeyDown('E'))
cameraNode_->Translate(Vector3::DOWN * MOVE_SPEED * timeStep);
if (input->GetKeyDown('W'))
cameraNode_->Translate(Vector3::FORWARD * MOVE_SPEED * timeStep);
if (input->GetKeyDown('S'))
cameraNode_->Translate(Vector3::BACK * MOVE_SPEED * timeStep);
if (input->GetKeyDown('A'))
cameraNode_->Translate(Vector3::LEFT * MOVE_SPEED * timeStep);
if (input->GetKeyDown('D'))
cameraNode_->Translate(Vector3::RIGHT * MOVE_SPEED * timeStep);
if (input->GetKeyPress(KEY_F2))
void Game::SubscribeToEvents()
SubscribeToEvent(E_UPDATE, HANDLER(Game, HandleUpdate));
SubscribeToEvent(E_SCENEUPDATE, HANDLER(Game, HandleSceneUpdate));
SubscribeToEvent(E_POSTRENDERUPDATE, HANDLER(Game, HandlePostRenderUpdate));
SubscribeToEvent(E_ENDRENDERING, HANDLER(Game, HandleEndRendering));
void Game::HandleUpdate(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
using namespace Update;
float timeStep = eventData[P_TIMESTEP].GetFloat();
void Game::HandleSceneUpdate(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem();
Texture2D* text1 = cache->GetResource(“Textures/Flare.dds”); // ??? ??? ?? ??? ? ??? ??? ? 50 ???
Texture2D* tex2 = cache->GetResource(“Urho2D/Ball.png”); // ??? ??? ???
spriteBatch_->Draw(tex2, Rect(0, 0, 1, 1), Color::WHITE);
for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
// spriteBatch_->Draw(text1, Rect(0, 0, 1, 1), Rect(0, 0, 256, 256), Color::WHITE);
for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
// spriteBatch_->Draw(tex2, Rect(1, 0, 2, 1), Rect(0, 0, 256, 256), Color::WHITE);
//spriteBatch_->Draw(text1, Rect(1, 0, 2, 1), Rect(0, 0, 256, 256), Color::WHITE);
//spriteBatch_->Draw(tex2, Rect(1, 0.5f, 2, 1.5f), Color::WHITE);
for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
// spriteBatch_->Draw(tex2, Rect(1, 0, 2, 1), Rect(0, 0, 256, 256), Color::WHITE);
void Game::HandlePostRenderUpdate(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
spriteBatch_->OnRender(eventType, eventData);
void Game::HandleEndRendering(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
//spriteBatch_->OnRender(eventType, eventData); // ??? ???, ?? ??? UI, ??? ??? ? HandlePostRenderUpdate
void Game::CreateText()
ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem();
// Construct new Text object
SharedPtr<Text> helloText(new Text(context_));
// Set String to display
// Set font and text color
helloText->SetFont(cache->GetResource<Font>("Fonts/Anonymous Pro.ttf"), 30);
helloText->SetColor(Color(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
// Align Text center-screen
// Add Text instance to the UI root element
} [/code]
[code]#pragma once
#include “SpriteBatch.h”
class Game : public Application
Game(Context* context);
virtual void Setup();
virtual void Start();
void CreateText();
void SetLogoVisible(bool enable);
SharedPtr scene_;
SharedPtr cameraNode_;
float yaw_;
float pitch_;
SpriteBatch* spriteBatch_;
void CreateScene();
void SetupViewport();
void MoveCamera(float timeStep);
void SubscribeToEvents();
void HandleUpdate(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData);
void HandleSceneUpdate(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData);
void HandlePostRenderUpdate(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData);
void HandleEndRendering(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData);
}; [/code]
But I have problem.
When I call drawing SpriteBatch in HandleEndRendering it works, but SpriteBatch overlaps UI.
void Game::HandleEndRendering(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
spriteBatch_->OnRender(eventType, eventData);
When I call drawing SpriteBatch in HandlePostRenderUpdate (like DrawDebugGeometry) it does not work.
void Game::HandlePostRenderUpdate(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
spriteBatch_->OnRender(eventType, eventData);
Pls help me