[quote=“aldoz”]I avoid to shot another questions before to take a good look to the tutorials!
For now THANK YOU guys! (and sorry for my weird english…)[/quote]
If you used procedural languages before (DBpro , AGK , etc) I highly recommend to learn c++ and Object orinted programming first before you start with Urho3d. There are lots of stuff that are really hard to learn if you don’t have a strong fundamental knowledge of OOP , C++ and CMake. I’m not talking about buying expensive books with 864246512 pages but running through some basic c++ tutorials wouldn’t hurt.
Practice a lot ! Build some pointless apps using the STL (Nothing fancy , just some basic sorting , simple text andveture games using the console, etc).
Study the structure of other libraries , and try to understand the core of OOP.
As for CMake : Urho3d builds beautifully without any additonal fiddling and error tracing in make files , so just use the CMake GUI (the method condingmonkey posted ) it should work out of box.If you using windows , it’s even easier to just
1 build urho3d using CMake GUI
2. Setup include paths , library paths in Visual Studio ( Something like Urho3D/Include and Urho3D/lib/) and thats it.
3. include Urho3d.h in you project and start coding.
4. Additionally include the required headers for your need (eg Urho3D/Physics/RigidBody.h or Urho3D/Audio/Sound.h , etc)