Can somebody give me a quick tutorial about the editor? I want to create a basic scene, but cant figure out how to add a mesh and see it or do any other basic manipulation.
Some directions to use the editor?

I found a very useful tutorial for this. All credit goes to the tutorial’s author, of course.
Also the documentation for the editor includes the most basic keys to navigate in it, although it’s not really complete functionality-wise. Most of it can be checked by trial and error, and if you come from Unity it’s not difficult at all to learn it.

Before you can use the editor you need to understand the node/component relationship. Following the first couple of examples in either the c++/angelscript/luascript should get you and understanding. Opening the ninjasnowwars scene is also useful. Things to try after that are to import models and link materials and save your own “prefabs” by saving the node configurations.