Having learned how to use Urho3D’s attribute animation, I tried to animated the text attribute of a Text UI element to obtain the effect of the text changing based on keyframe like the code below but it didn’t work out and no errors were thrown or logged
ValueAnimation@ textAnimation = ValueAnimation();
textAnimation.SetKeyFrame(0.0f, Variant(String("1")));
textAnimation.SetKeyFrame(1.0f, Variant(String("2")));
textAnimation.SetKeyFrame(2.0f, Variant(String("3")));
Text@ text = ui.root.CreateChild("Text");
//Other initialization procedures here...
text.SetAttributeAnimation("Text", textAnimation, WM_ONCE);
I tried animating the color attribute and it worked out well
can the text attribute of a Text UI be animated, since it is an attribute I thought all attributes of Animatables can be animated