Thanks weitjong, that’s just what I needed. Here’s my simple example for posterity. It handles graph repositioning based on window resizing, and data addition.

There’s a containing a Figure class, and I use that to create and update one complete figure.
snippet from main .as file
// global
Figure@ fig1;
// in setup
fig1 = Figure(IntVector2(400,300), "Figure1");
ui.root.AddChild(fig1.window); // use a window to manage drag and size of view3D
// in an updating function such as handleUpdate
fig1.Push(Sin(scene_.elapsedTime*200)*3); // record new value to figure
class Figure
Window@ window;
View3D@ view3d;
Scene@ scene_;
Camera@ camera_;
bool isopen;
Array@ data = Array();
int xtick=0;
CustomGeometry@ graph;
Node@ graphNode;
Button@ buttonClose_;
void Toggle()
if (isopen) {
isopen = false;
window.visible = false;
view3d.visible = false;
} else {
isopen = true;
window.visible = true;
view3d.visible = true;
void Redraw()
graph.BeginGeometry(0, LINE_STRIP);
for (int i=0; i<data.length; i++)
graph.DefineVertex(Vector3(0.01f*i, data[i], -1.0f));
void Push(float value) /// Updates graph for each push
graph.DefineVertex(Vector3(0.01f*xtick++, value, -1.0f));
Vector2 pos = graphNode.position2D;
float dist = camera_.GetDistance(Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
graphNode.SetPosition2D(((dist*0.33333f)*camera_.aspectRatio)-0.01f*xtick, pos.y); // 0.333 assumes fov=45
void UseHandler(String handler)
SubscribeToEvent(buttonClose_, "Released", handler);
Figure(IntVector2 dimensions = IntVector2(400,300), String title = "Figure")
// Set the loaded style as default style
isopen = true;
XMLFile@ style = cache.GetResource("XMLFile", "UI/DefaultStyle.xml");
// Set the loaded style as default style
window = Window();
window.defaultStyle = style;
window.visible = false;
window.resizable = true;
window.movable = true;
// Set Window size and layout settings
window.SetSize(dimensions.x, dimensions.y);
window.SetLayout(LM_VERTICAL, 4, IntRect(2, 2, 2, 2));
window.SetPosition(graphics.width / 2 - 400 / 2, graphics.height / 2 - 300 / 2);
// Create Window 'titlebar' container
titleBar = UIElement();
titleBar.SetMinSize(0, 24);
titleBar.SetMaxSize(9999, 24);
titleBar.SetLayout(LM_HORIZONTAL, 6, IntRect(6, 6, 6, 6));
// Create the Window title Text
Text@ windowTitle = Text();
windowTitle.text = title;
// Create the Window's close button
Button@ buttonClose_ = Button();
// Add the controls to the title bar
// Add the title bar to the Window
// Apply styles
windowTitle.SetStyleAuto(); = "CloseButton";
SetupScene(); // creates scene and camera
view3d = View3D();
view3d.verticalAlignment = VA_TOP;
view3d.SetView(scene_, camera_);
SubscribeToEvent(buttonClose_, "Released", "HandleClosePressed");
void HandleClosePressed(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
UIElement@ element = eventData["Element"].GetPtr();
element.parent.parent.visible = false; // close button pressed (element), set window visibility
private void SetupScene()
// Create the scene which will be rendered to a texture
scene_ = Scene();
// Create octree, use default volume (-1000, -1000, -1000) to (1000, 1000, 1000)
// Create a camera for the render-to-texture scene. Simply leave it at the world origin and let it observe the scene
rttCameraNode = scene_.CreateChild("Camera");
rttCameraNode.position = Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f);
camera_ = rttCameraNode.CreateComponent("Camera");
camera_.farClip = 100.0f;
camera_.orthographic = true;
camera_.orthoSize = graphics.height * PIXEL_SIZE;
// graph
graphNode = scene_.CreateChild("CustomGeometry");
graph = graphNode.CreateComponent("CustomGeometry");
Material@ renderMaterial = cache.GetResource("Material", "Materials/WhiteUnlit.xml");
graph.material = renderMaterial;
graph.dynamic = true;
I had to make a new material to do what I wanted (suggestions how to do this better?)
White.png is a 1 pixel white texture.
<technique name="Techniques/DiffUnlit.xml" />
<texture unit="0" name="Textures/White.png" />