I am new to Urho3d , and would like to know how can I show specific render-target to the screen? for example depth or G-Buffers, I know some opengl and I am learning OpenGL beside using Urho3d for my future Desktop game, I would like to focus also on Opengl 4.x (using its feature like tessellation, handling large amount of meshes on GPU & …) for my game too, but for me for now Urho3d custom shader pipeline is confusing, so any guide would help me and new users also might the urho3d dev progress.
[SOLVED]How can I show render targets to screen?

Append to renderpath
<command type="quad" vs="CopyFramebuffer" ps="CopyFramebuffer" output="viewport">
<texture unit="diffuse" name="RENDER TARGET" />

Another way is via a UI-element (BorderImage for example) to which you assign the rendertarget as the texture.
However rendertargets defined in the renderpath can even be a different texture on successive frames / views as they are auto-allocated, so in that case 1vanK’s approach is practically the only workable.

Thanks @1vanK
but it is not working for me, I used as xml and added to viewport
[code] Renderer *renderer = GetSubsystem();
//NOTE: this must be enabled so that HDR works
//Setup view
SharedPtr<Viewport> viewport(new Viewport(context_, scene_, cameraNode_->GetComponent<Camera>()));
renderer->SetViewport(0, viewport);
ResourceCache* effectCache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();
//Note the clone
SharedPtr<RenderPath> effectRenderPath = viewport->GetRenderPath()->Clone();
// effectRenderPath->Append(effectCache->GetResource(“PostProcess/FXAA3.xml”));
// effectRenderPath->Append(effectCache->GetResource(“PostProcess/AutoExposure.xml”));
// effectRenderPath->Append(effectCache->GetResource(“PostProcess/BloomHDR.xml”));
// effectRenderPath->SetShaderParameter(“BloomHDRThreshold”, 0.2f);
// effectRenderPath->SetEnabled(“FXAA3”, true);
// effectRenderPath->SetEnabled(“AutoExposure”, true);
// effectRenderPath->SetEnabled(“BloomHDR”, true);
effectRenderPath->SetEnabled(“ShowPass”, true);
//now set to the effect render path
in xml named ShowPass.xml
<command type="quad" vs="CopyFramebuffer" ps="CopyFramebuffer" output="viewport">
<texture unit="diffuse" name="Depth" />
Thanks @cadaver
I was also thinking about using a ui image and add rendered texture to the ui image, like getting the Depth and using as image on UI like camera using in Editor I need it for debugging shaders, I should dig more into Urho3d, however I should say today I was testing using LogicComponent for character animation update and it is really nice, one of the advantage of it is easily pausing the game by scene.

Forward has no Depth pass by default

U need use RenderPaths\ForfardDepth.xml or RenderPaths\ForfardHWDepth.xml

I am sorry for asking again, can you please clarify, How can I set Urho3d to use Deferred Rendering, in documentation as I understand its says Urho3d uses both Deferred and forward at same time.

one of the methods
void Game::SetupViewport()
Renderer* renderer = GetSubsystem<Renderer>();
auto cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();
SharedPtr<Viewport> viewport(new Viewport(context_, scene_, cameraNode_->GetComponent<Camera>()));
renderer->SetViewport(0, viewport);

Thank you so much, now it is working, also I should point out that setting Default Render Path should be before setting view as I had mistake in my code.