NEW QUESTION----------------------------------------
What is the difference between script object and a script instance.
I was trying to remove the script object on a node, but I changed that to instance, since I had set it up that way in the editor on my imported node.
My next step is going to bre reapplying a script instance to a child node. Which might be wrong. But I wanted to ask.
I succedded in remove the instance. But when i apply a new script obejct, can it be removed in the same way?
OLD QUESTION----------------------------------------
Trying to remove script obejct from a node with angelscript.
The node doesnt seem to have a method to handle it.
And the docs on ScriptObect list nothing.
I’ve tried to get the script object, then just call Remove().
As well a called node.RemoveComponent() with the script object, and the string. “ScriptObject”.
but im not entirely sure that that string is right.
So far I have not succedded in remove it.