I have some trouble converting a hexadecimal String to unsigned.
For example, converting “0xFFFFFF” to 0xFFFFFF or directly to unsigned.
Using String::ToUInt() returns 0.
[SOLVED] Convert hexadecimal String to unsigned

It uses the strtoul function using base 10 so it doesn’t support that notation. Exposing the base as a parameter or adding an overload would work, though.
EDIT: The original reason for that decision (instead of defaulting the base parameter to 0 so it autodetects) is that a string containing beginning zeroes would be autodetected as octals, which is possibly unwanted.

Base parameter added in master branch.

Many thanks for the quick fix, works perfectly
Can ToColor() benefit from the same kind of improvement ?

We define Color as floats, its string conversion is “r g b a” which is used throughout in Urho’s materials and it’s the format which ToColor() handles.
Handling the common hex encoding of 8-bit RGB colors is outside of what Urho itself requires. It could be added, sure, but I don’t see it especially important.

OK, it is not mandatory at all, getting the hex is enough.