I made a simple mesh, with a diffuse texture and a normal texture, and exported it to Urho3D:
The model in Urho3D (1.32, OpenGL on Windows7) has no working normal map (as you can see) though the material looks fine:
<technique name="Techniques/Diff.xml"/>
<texture name="models/testmesh.png" unit="diffuse"/>
<texture name="models/testmesh2.png" unit="normal"/>
<parameter name="MatDiffColor" value="0.64 0.64 0.64 1"/>
<parameter name="MatSpecColor" value="0.5 0.5 0.5 50"/>
I also tried which made no difference.
The textures are both there.
Did I miss something or is a setting wrong or should this work?
Texture units are not described in the manual. Wrong techn