Hi folks,
I am currently using Blender to create a simple model for which I apply a texture (it is a single image representing a metal floor). Still under Blender, I play with the “Image Mapping->Repeat” parameters to have my texture repeated several times over both X and Y directions.
This appears fine in Blender when I render it.
Then, I export to Urho3D using the Urho3D exporter which also works fine. I get no errors and the texture is exported along with the material.
Here is the content of my material XML file that references the texture to be used.
<technique name="Techniques/Diff.xml"/>
<texture name="Textures/MetalFloorsBare0049.jpg" unit="diffuse"/>
<parameter name="MatDiffColor" value="0.0564704 0.0564704 0.0564704 1"/>
<parameter name="MatSpecColor" value="0 0 0 250"/>
It clearly appears that there are no “tiling” or “repeating” information coming from Blender. When I run my Urho3D app that displays the model, the texture is not repeated.
In such a case, I assume that it is useless to try to configure texture repetition in Blender since it is not exported. Is my assumption correct ?
In any cases, how can I proceed to be able to get a texture repetition in my XML file ? Or do I have to do thing in another way ?
Thanks a lot for your answers !