Here are my opinions.
The pluses of the engine are huge and very strongly define the engine. Urho3d is a full featured, multi platform, near zero bullshit, clean architecture, fast c++ engine with low platform requirements.
It has a familiar component model.
I would say the engine is API first meaning that you won’t see much code in the engine to serve the sole purpose for it’s editor. The editor is dependent on the core and not the other way around. You have to be able to script/code to use Urho3D.
Everything - negatives 
Something that people might be afraid of is the build process, but the project is open source, multi platform, and c++ and after you account for those circumstances the build is a work of art. If you ever had to build Ogre3D during its prime you know what I mean. It can also take a little while to understand its memory model. It uses ref counting and has it’s own personality. Experienced coders won’t stumble too much but lesser experienced tend to stumble a little there.
I don’t care for the UI for complex user interfaces. If you are making a game with it and not tools you will be using 99% sprites so it isn’t an issue. Otherwise it is work to make it look the way you want.
It doesn’t have tools for everything. The asset pipeline could be hard for some people who are used to commercial engines.