I’m using Mixamo as an example here, but this question is really a lot more general than that.
Mixamo lets you choose to export most animations “in-place”. This effectively eliminates root motion translations in the X and Z planes. This is fine for most cases - for example in a walk animation, we still expect the hips to move up and down a bit. But for jumping, falling, prone, and many other cases, we typically need to lock down the translation in Y as well.
Doing this in Blender (or Maya, or MilkShape, etc.) is possible, but repetitive, tedious, and somewhat error-prone. It would be really awesome if our AssetImporter had the ability to cancel root motions on given major axes, and preferable, for some specific Named Bone / subroot node (such as Hips).
How do you guys deal with eliminating unwanted root motions in animations? What do you recommend?