[quote=“hd_”]Pretty interesting, could be useful for testing the PBR shaders I am working on for a quick comparison with UE4.
Are there Urho ready scene xml’s that I can load into the editor?[/quote]
The plan is add some more scenes, and add to Urho3D & UE4 over this month. That scene is more for light than PBR, and the materials are unlit and normal without more shaders than diffuse, but you can customize as you like that, in the Urho3D folder you have the same config basic metals from UE4, but only have a setup of diffuse color, and specular, because the Urho3D don’t have that PBR (you can change the properties and compare that).
I need fix 2 3D models with a ligthmap problem, change some textures and add the Urho3D materials, models and scenes.
You can see the progress over here: https://trello.com/b/vx7Ydo7I/public-projects
*Since scenes are created in the engines, are more o less similar but have some differences. (Location, Scale, Rotations)
*The 3D models are in m/cm = 2x2m.
You will merge the PBR shaders in Urho3D to public ?