Hey guys, I’ve been working on a solution for detecting nearest point of intersection of a ray and a cylinder, if anyone feels inclined to do some third party testing, and/or offer suggestions for improving the implementation, I would be most grateful.
I return the hit point and the distance, but I can also provide a surface normal, so it’s a good fit with the usual suspect intersection tests of the Ray class.
The entrypoint to this code is the third function provided - it takes a ray and a cylinder defined in world space, thus it deals with oriented and translated cylinders. Scale is not addressed in this implementation - but there’s no mention of node transforms, so it’s not relevant.
// Calculate the normal of a point on the surface of a cylinder
// The cylinder is assumed to have the center of its lower cap coinciding with the origin,
// and to be oriented along the world UP (Y+) axis...
// We assume we are working in the "local space" of the cylinder...
Vector3 GetCylinderNormal (const Vector3& p, float radius, float height)
// Point is on one of the bases
if (p.x_<radius && p.x_>-radius && p.z_<radius && p.z_>-radius)
/// Check if point is on the upper cap
double epsilon = 0.00000001;
if (p.y_ < height+epsilon && p.y_>height-epsilon){
return Vector3::UP;
/// Check if point is on the lower cap
if (p.y_ < epsilon && p.y_>-epsilon){
return Vector3::DOWN;
// Point is on lateral surface
Vector3 c0 (0, p.y_, 0);
Vector3 v = (p-c0).Normalized();
return v;
// Calculate intersection with cylinder base having center c = either <0,0,0> or <0,height,0>
// We do this by calculating the intersection with the Y plane,
// and then checking if the intersection is within the 2D circle (XZ).
// Again, we assume we are working in "cylinder local space".
bool intersectCylinderBase (const Ray& ray, float radius, float height, const Vector3& c, double& dist, Vector3& hitPoint)
Vector3 normal = GetCylinderNormal (c, radius, height);
double D = -normal.DotProduct(c);
double phi = normal.DotProduct(ray.direction_);
if (phi==0)
return false;
dist = - (normal.DotProduct(ray.origin_)+D) / phi;
const double epsilon = 0.00000001;
if (dist < epsilon)
return false;
Vector3 p = ray.origin_+dist*ray.direction_;
if (p.x_*p.x_+p.z_*p.z_-radius*radius > epsilon)
return false;
return true;
/// Compute intersection of cylinder and ray in world space!
// First, find intersection with infinite vertical cylinder....
// In order to do that, transform the ray so that the center of the bottom base
// is at the origin and the cylinder's length axis coincides with the Y axis,
// then calculate intersection with the canonical infinite cylinder,
// and check if the ray intersects the lateral surface of the cylinder within our
// bases, and if not, check if ray intersects the bases and if not, there's NO intersection!
float intersectCylinder (const Ray& inray, const Vector3& center, const Vector3& normal, float radius, float height, Vector3& hitPoint)
/// Compute a suitable rotation from a base vector to the desired direction
Quaternion q;
q.FromRotationTo(Vector3::UP, normal);
/// Compute transform from cylinder local space to world space
Matrix3x4 mat(center, q, Vector3::ONE);
/// Compute transform from world space to cylinder local space
Matrix3x4 inv=mat.Inverse();
/// Transform ray from world space to cylinder local space
Ray ray = inray.Transformed(inv);
/// We wish to compute a positive value for t
float t;
// Note the ray origin (transformed into cylinder's local space)
Vector3 p0 = ray.origin_;
// coefficients for the intersection equation
// got them mathematically intersecting the line equation with the cylinder equation
double a = ray.direction_.x_*ray.direction_.x_+ray.direction_.z_*ray.direction_.z_;
double b = ray.direction_.x_*p0.x_ +ray.direction_.z_*p0.z_;
double c = p0.x_*p0.x_+p0.z_*p0.z_-radius*radius;
double delta = b*b - a*c;
//use epsilon because of computation errors between doubles
const double epsilon = 0.00000001;
// delta < 0 means no intersections
if (delta < epsilon)
return M_INFINITY;
// nearest intersection
t = (-b - sqrt (delta))/a;
// t<0 means the intersection is behind the ray origin
// which we don't want
if (t<=epsilon)
return M_INFINITY;
hitPoint = p0 + t * ray.direction_;
/// check if we intersect one of the cylinder caps (aka bases)
if (hitPoint.y_ > height+epsilon || hitPoint.y_ < -epsilon) {
double dist;
Vector3 hp1, hp2;
/// Check for intersection with upper cap
bool b1 = intersectCylinderBase(ray, radius, height, Vector3(0, height, 0), dist, hp1);
if(b1) { t=dist; hitPoint=hp1; }
/// Check for intersection with lower cap
bool b2 = intersectCylinderBase (ray, radius, height, Vector3::ZERO, dist, hp2);
if(b2 && dist>epsilon && t>=dist) { t=dist; hitPoint=hp2; }
/// If there's NO intersection...
if(! (b1||b2) )
/// If t is valid, then transform the hitpoint from cylinder space to worldspace
hitPoint = mat * hitPoint;
return t;