I was following this tutorial:
And encountered the following problem, which differs from the one in the video:
- I tried different generators.
Please help me !
I was following this tutorial:
And encountered the following problem, which differs from the one in the video:
Please help me !
You need to set these vars in cmake
URHO_HOME= director of urho
You need set manual values and hit Generate
Sorry for english, my english is not good
Noting the “Use URHO3D_HOME environment variable or build option to specify the location of the non-default SDK installation or build tree.”…
What is visible of your setting seems to point incorrectly to […]CMake/Modules. It should be set to your Urho3D build tree/directory.
And (just in case) don’t forget the official docs, as it is easy to miss something, and the build system sees some frequent changes. Let us know how it goes…
urho3d.github.io/documentation/ … brary.html
Add to CMakeLists.txt
set (ENV{URHO3D_HOME} d:/path/to/compiled/version/of/engine)