I’m trying to convex cast a swept sphere to test a potential path in the environment.
I figure maybe I’m just not understanding how it works properly.
My code to initialize my collision shape looks like this:
/* ... */
shape_ = new CollisionShape(context);
shape_->SetCapsule(2.0f, 2.0f, Vector3::ZERO, Quaternion::IDENTITY);
/* ... */
Then during a fixed step update (I’m not really sure it is necessary to do it here since Bullet dynamics is separate from Bullet collision but I did so just to be safe):
/* ... */
PhysicsRaycastResult raycResult;
const Vector3 start = body->GetPosition();
const Vector3 end = start + (Vector3::DOWN * 100.0f);
physWorld->ConvexCast(raycResult, shape_, start, Quaternion::IDENTITY, end, Quaternion::IDENTITY);
/* ... */
So the problem is that raycResult always comes back as never having hit anything. I stepped through into the ConvexCast code and discovered this if-branch evaluates to true (the !shape->GetCollisionShape() condition in particular):
/* ... */
if (!shape || !shape->GetCollisionShape())
URHO3D_LOGERROR("Null collision shape for convex cast");
result.body_ = 0;
result.position_ = Vector3::ZERO;
result.normal_ = Vector3::ZERO;
result.distance_ = M_INFINITY;
result.hitFraction_ = 0.0f;
/* ... */
Basically the shape doesn’t have a btCollisionShape. So is ConvexCast only for arbitrary polygonal models and do I have to manually build a convex capsule mesh, or is it otherwise not acting as intended?
On a semi-related note, you’ll have to forgive my ignorance on the Bullet API, I notice that PhysicsRaycastResult doesn’t return a list of contacts but rather just a single contact point. I was wondering if there is some technical reason why the list of contacts can’t be retrieved (such as a limitation of the Bullet API) or if it just hasn’t been implemented yet?