Edit #2: The following works but I lose fading. pastebin.com/34FqtWhQ
void ModelController::RecursiveSetAnimation(Node* noed, String ani, bool loop, unsigned char layer)
if (noed->HasComponent<AnimationController>())
String fileName = noed->GetVar("fileName").GetString();
String aniPath = "Models/" + fileName + "/" + ani + ".ani";
if (main_->cache_->Exists(aniPath))
if (( (noed->GetComponent<AnimationController>()->IsPlaying(aniPath) == false)
&& (noed->GetComponent<AnimationController>()->IsFadingIn(aniPath) == false) )
|| (noed->GetComponent<AnimationController>()->IsFadingOut(aniPath) == true) )
noed->GetComponent<AnimationController>()->StopLayer(0, 0.0f);
noed->GetComponent<AnimationController>()->PlayExclusive(aniPath, layer, loop, 0.0f);
if (!loop)
noed->GetComponent<AnimationController>()->SetAutoFade(aniPath, 0.25f);
for (int x = 0; x < noed->GetNumChildren(); x++)
RecursiveSetAnimation(noed->GetChild(x), ani, loop, layer);
Edit #1: I made some progress. It seems something doesn’t like the long path after the first usage. Using String aniPath = “Models/” + fileName + “/” + ani + “.ani”; along with noed->GetComponent()->FadeOthers(aniPath, 0.0f, 0.25f); works but it seems that each time PlayExclusive() is called, a new animation is added. After too many calls, the app hangs.
Hello, I’m loading a prefab and its idle animation is showing. Then I tell it to play a run animation and it does. Afterwards I tell it to play the idle animation again but the run animation plays faster. Thanks for any help.
void ModelController::RecursiveSetAnimation(Node* noed, String ani, bool loop, unsigned char layer)
if (noed->HasComponent<AnimationController>())
String fileName = noed->GetVar("fileName").GetString();
String aniPath = main_->filesystem_->GetProgramDir() + "Data/Models/" + fileName + "/" + ani + ".ani";
if (main_->cache_->Exists(aniPath))
if (( (noed->GetComponent<AnimationController>()->IsPlaying(aniPath) == false)
&& (noed->GetComponent<AnimationController>()->IsFadingIn(aniPath) == false) )
|| (noed->GetComponent<AnimationController>()->IsFadingOut(aniPath) == true) )
//if (noed->GetComponent<AnimationController>()->IsPlaying(aniPath) == false)
LOGERRORF("playing %s @ %d",ani.CString(), layer);
noed->GetComponent<AnimationController>()->PlayExclusive(aniPath, layer, loop, 0.25f);
if (!loop)
noed->GetComponent<AnimationController>()->SetAutoFade(aniPath, 0.25f);
for (int x = 0; x < noed->GetNumChildren(); x++)
RecursiveSetAnimation(noed->GetChild(x), ani, loop, layer);
Model in question: dropbox.com/s/mmgkj3r3mchojye/urho.7z?dl=0