That’s quite interesting. Power move by Amazon in hopes of creating a community?
Open-source CryEngine fork

Apparently Lumberyard was such a bad name that they went for none instead?

O3DE requires Windows 10
GG next

Most likely a move by Amazon to shed an unproductive project, imo. Lumberyard has failed to gain any significant traction, and I suspect they just want to wash their hands of it.

Anyone used lumberyard? It sounded okay when I read some bullet points years ago, but it took a long time for me to realize it existed.

Their article on their networking component/‘gem’ was interesting. Idk how strong Urho3D’s networking is in comparison.

If I were Amazon, I’d probably call it Javelin.

Heh. I like such comments.
I wonder if they are generated or there are man-hours spent on copypasting or writing these:

Gotta reach those line quotas.

I guess crytek is ‘super happy’ about this

This codebase would make me feel right at home.

Crytek cannot do squat now. They signed away that particular fork to Amazon in exchange for allot of cash and AWS credits to keep themselves in business. Sure Crytek is not “Happy” but Amazon owns the fork now. Crytek sold it to amazon.
With that out of the way. O3DE is pretty amazing with allot of active development going on right now.
I would highly recommend people here check it out.

Yeah, I gave it at try a couple of times,…and always struggled with the simplest things.
Now with the installer and ‘stable’ I thought ok, give it a another try(win and linux) but I couldn’t even create a simple valid material… but in the end I’m happy with it as it would be too much of a distraction for me

Compiling this on Windows was a bitch. Funny how builds can be so convoluted in commercial engines, yet engines that were born in the open are always a delight to use. Urho, for example, or OGRE, or any of the Quake-based ones. Never took longer than 30 minutes to download and build in any platform.