I think as Urho3D becomes more famous so does our forum. In the past few days I have banned a few new users who tried to post spams or unsolicited ads in our forums. Their tactic is usual. First post nonsense and then follow by spam link in the second post or putting the link in the signature. Although we have a few forum moderators, but unfortunately they have been long inactive. I think if the trend holds then our forum will need a few more active moderators to keep the order. Please let us know when you are interested in this role. Naturally only active forum readers are qualified.
New active forum moderator required

You can count me in

Please welcome our new forum moderator, Mike!

I can xD
But I have never seen an advertisement, perhaps because I am in another time zone

Congrats Mike!
1vanK, yes you and me both sleep while Wei Tjong cleans up the forum I’ve only very occasionally seen a live spam post.

Please welcome our newest forum moderator, 1vanK!
@1vanK, as you know our forums are very civilized so the moderators have not much to do, well except doing this “whack-a-mole” task on the spammers.
I think we could probably add in one more moderator, preferably from APAC or US region if any, before closing the invitation for this round.

I can try. But I haven’t seen any spam as well. Please tell me what to do if I encounter one.

Thanks for your interest. Unfortunately based on the post count, you have not quite met the “active” qualification for the moderator role. You can, however, still help in maintaining the forums by sending a report when you see a spam post. Just hit the red triangle button on the top right corner in the questionable post to do so.
I usually just ban new user who posts spam link (unsolicited ads that are not related to Urho3D or gaming development in general) without any prior warnings and also delete all their offending posts. A few artists may also attempt to promote their assets by posting unsolicited ads/links to their website in the forum, for such case I normally just send a warning stating that our forums do not allow unsolicited ads, without banning the user outright and delete the post in question if it is really out of the blue. But that’s just me.

Congrats to 1vanK too!
Yes I’ve followed the same principle. Basically, if one’s post history shows proof that they have actual interest in using Urho and having a discussion, then just warn for the mistake. But if it’s clear it’s just a newly created spam account, ban & delete posts.

Thanks mike and 1vanK for this, i have been part of other forums who have had this problem get severe at times. i am getting much more active in my Urho developments now and am glad to see new moderators to keep things on track

Id be happy to help out with moderation if you still need anyone

I’d be happy to help out with moderation if needed.

Please join me to welcome our new forum moderators, dragonCASTjosh and carnalis!



Welcome and thanks

thanks guys