Archive 17/01/2023.
Neon support not enabled on building 64bit android

I recommend you switch to Gradle build system with master branch. Having said that, I think Android arm64 build was ok with 1.7 too. Check the online doc for version 1.7 for the correct build option to use.

Finally, figure it out.
I tried to change ANDROID_ABI=arm64-v8a, but got error
Unrecognized ‘arm64-v8a’ specified in the ANDROID_ABI option, supported values are: “armeabi-v7a”, “armeabi-v6”, "armeabi
Looked at android doc, changed ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_NAME=aarch64-linux-android-clang and ANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL=android-21 (minimum version).
Compiled successfully.
Thanks weitjong.