[quote=“devrich”]Awesome work, setzer22 !! Reminds me of BattleChess ( I love the queen in that game from way waay back in the day on the pc ) 
I have been trying to get a good working weather system going for these past few weeks but most of my time has been focused on getting to know my way around Urho3D. I’m used to JavaScript for over a decade but I’ve been using Lua scripting with Urho3D in order to get up and running fast without worrying too much about pointers until I get a handle on how Urho3D’s inner workings function. ( life and work has been taking most of my time these days -_- )
However; at times I find myself wanting to go with C++11 and smart pointers – I am curious why you chose C++ / ActionScript over using Lua? Is there a distinct benefit over Lua, or ?[/quote]
Thank you 
I use AngelScript because I already knew C++ beforehand and AngelScript is much more similar to it. Also I have never used Lua before, so my choice was quite clear.
And I started using C++ for my game’s core because it performs better than scripting. But also because I wanted some practise with C++ and pointers (which I’m quickly becoming used to). After seeing the script performance in Urho it’s basically the latter, because I don’t really need the extra performance and the overhead seems to be minimal.
Also, with C++ you can use an IDE that provides autocompletion, which makes my life a bit easier while learning the API.
There’s no Urho3D AngelScript tutorial I know of. But if you know any C-like language there’s not much new stuff to learn. What did you struggle with when learning it?