I tested the game on simple iphone 5 iOS 8.2 and it is working great! fast and smooth .
I have question ,
as Urho3d do not compile outof the box with real iOS device which are lower then iOS 9
How did you succeed to compile it for iOS?
Did you apply the fixes which needed to the engine?
As i had always problem with the iOS port .
see my topics
Its will be much appreciated if you share your experience with the process
Sorry, I have’t encountered your compiling problem, I just build urho3d code like this,
You can enable build sample by -DURHO3D_SAMPLES=1
If you want to create your own Xcode project, you can run
rake scaffolding dir=/to/your/project/path project=yourProjectName target=yourTargetName
then, enter your project dir, and run
./cmake_ios.sh /to/your/build/path -DURHO3D_SAMPLES=0 -DURHO3D_PHYSICS=1 -DURHO3D_HOME=/to/urho3d/build/path/ios
Good luck!