I am trying to send a Random() color to my materials ObjectColor Paramter.
However, with out Cloning the material, it seems I only get the last random value, so that all my objects get the same color.
Does that sound right? So to get a unique color for each object, I need to Clone the Material? If I have Hundred of objects, will that have a lot of overhead?
It appears as though in AngleScript ateast that there is no SetShaderParameter(), but there is SetShaderParameterAnimation(). So If I only want to set a unique color, i have to make a ValueAnimation Object, and set 2 keyfarmes to the same value. Does that sound right? What is the overhead for having hundreds of clones with hundreds of animations?
In summation, I solved getting a unique color on my material per obejct. But I feel like I am doing things a little hacky. When it feels like I should just be calling SetShaderParameter on just and instance of a material.