I find that Magic particle look great, it’s editor is easy to use. http://www.astralax.com/ But it’s licence may not fit us.
Magic particle look great

Yes, it certainly looks visually nice. The core engine should not have integrations of binary-only proprietary libraries. So it would be up to a developer to choose to use this and modify Urho3D for integration. Looking at the API briefly it looks somewhat unprofessional, and contains slightly odd convenience functions, like searching a directory for particle effect files.

It is hard to write a new particle system from ground up, the better solution is integrating an existed third-party particle system. But, which?

In the Id tech 4 Doom3 have a particle editor/system (not very good)
github.com/id-Software/DOOM-3/t … s/particle

It is MFC, I hate it.

I think we discussed Spark before? That is probably the best free / permissively licensed C++ particle library. It’s also huge so integrating / wrapping all of its features would result in a large amount of glue code, too.

Yes, spark look good, but it never update since last year. Last Update: 2013-05-27.

They have a SVN branch “spark2” which has been updated more recently. On their forum they said it’s basically already in a good condition, but of course there’s no telling when the 2.0 version is actually released.

The editor of Magic Particles creates ptc-files for API, which contain emitters and folders. These functions allow to work with ptc-file like with file system.

Thanks for the clarification, in that case it makes a lot of sense.

Odin is the author of magic particle.

[quote=“Hgdavidy”]In the Id tech 4 Doom3 have a particle editor/system (not very good)
github.com/id-Software/DOOM-3/t … s/particle[/quote]
Doom3 is GPL.

[quote=“indie.dev”][quote=“Hgdavidy”]In the Id tech 4 Doom3 have a particle editor/system (not very good)
github.com/id-Software/DOOM-3/t … s/particle[/quote]
Doom3 is GPL.[/quote]
And use MFC but where is the problem ?
You can view the code and make some like that.
also you can see the code of UE4 for learn…

Magic Particles 2.25 was released. You can learn the details about new version here: astralax.com/projects/particles/history

Hey Odin_KG, Looks interesting, I’ll keep an eye on this.

Hey rasteron. You can see some commercial games that use Magic Particles here: astralax.com/titles

@Odin_KG, Magic Particles 3D (Dev) 2.25 editor can not run on Windows 8.1.

I am developing Magic Particles using Windows 8.1
Could you give me more info?

I will try it again tomorrow. Thanks.

I run it again, it shows the register dialog, when I press the continue button, it shows the splash screen and then disappear silent.
PS: What’s your email?

Could you send to me the log-file ?
Magic Particles saves the log-file here: c:\Users\All Users\Particles
Thanks a lot.

I have sent email to you, please check it.

Yes. I received your message.

Magic Particles in Urho3D.

I have submit the first version of Urho3D Magic Particle integration on my Urho3D repo, please get it from https://github.com/aster2013/Urho3D. To enable it please add -DURHO3D_MAGICPARTICLE=1 to cmake command line. Current it work well on my Windows platform, I have not test it on other platforms now. These is a MagicParticleDemo under samples folder, AngelScript and Lua binding also added.

I saw https://github.com/effekseer/Effekseer today. Looks nice.