I do not know if its the place to request,
i am lookin for a basic phon material like,
upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c … sion_4.png
some how i am not able to find one in samples too, nor was editor any help
I am still not very used to urho Material system so am quite stuck
should work on mobile too
Lookin for plastic material

have you tried: lowpoly model(with smooth normals) + color texture + normal map from hipoly ?
material with std diff tech + and a bit of light in scene

only color and smooth normal are there, do we req normal map? diff map?

do we req normal map?
only if geometry is lowpoly and you want to make it more smooth - yes.
diff map?
you can do this and without texture. If you do not needed the texture on the object. Use only color (MatDiffColor) in material inspector.
I tried to do the same as your picture.
Really i do not know if it looks like on the plastic?
And normal maps I think it is not correct baked. My xNormal lost some lib’s.
In general, it is possible and without the normal map.

To get those really defined specular highlights in urho, increase the specular power (alpha value in MatSpecColor) to something really high.

This community is awesome, thanks you it is the look i need.