Is this correct? I tried removing the file location and directory but it still loading a document or the first IF statement is not failing.
I’m wonder if it’s a platform specific thing or problem. I’m using linux.
[code]bool GameOptions::Init(const char* xmlFilePath)
//// read the XML file
//// if needed, override the XML file with options passed in on the command line.
m_FileName = String(xmlFilePath);
m_pFile = new Urho3D::XMLFile(g_pApp->GetContext());
pugi::xml_document* document = m_pFile->GetDocument();
if (!document)
return false;
pugi::xml_node root = document->root();
if (!root)
return false;
// Loop through each child element and load the component
pugi::xml_node node;
node = root.first_child();
if (String(node.attribute("name").as_string()).Compare("options") == 0)
node = node.child("Graphics");
if (node)
String attribute = node.attribute("renderer").as_string();
int comp = attribute.Compare("OpenGL", false);
if (attribute.Compare("OpenGL", false) == 0 || attribute.Compare("DirectX11", false) == 0 || attribute.Compare("DirectX9", false) == 0)
m_Renderer = attribute;
return false;