That sounds like what I should explore… but here’s our hacky ‘working’ version as we spike this functionality:
public Model LoadModel()
var _model = scene.GetComponent<StaticModel>(true);
// This mimics the bytes we will get from the server
var file = ResourceCache.GetFile("Models/Sphere.mdl");
byte[] fileBytes = new byte[file.Size];
file.Read(fileBytes, file.Size);
//This is stuffing it into the Urho system as if we got it off the network etc...
MemoryBuffer buff = new MemoryBuffer(fileBytes);
_model.Model = new Model();
catch (Exception ex)
return _model.Model;
You’ll notice it’s C# and I’ve already read that this is not the C# forum but there is no other documentation for us-- it is just a thin wrapper to the same bits covered in this forum.
So it’s what I have to work with, ya know?
Someday you guys may need to do a Xamarin thing, I’ll be glad to help with the various gotchas I have encountered.