I had a videogame idea in my head for a long time, and ended up choosing Urho3D. I am very new to the engine, but explored the code of the examples for some days.
Unfortunately, none of the examples give me a good base for starting point of what I had in mind and I miss some gamedev insights. Therefore I need a guide to not make catastrophic mistakes right in the begining.
For starting:
I need to place the players (StaticModel?) inside a Room (StaticModel/box.mdl?) Am I in the good direction?
A very newbie concept I am missing: How do I apply the texture(SetMaterial?) to the inside of the box? (always that I navigate with the camera inside a box object it becomes transparent)
Assuming the player will float in the 3 axis inside the room, What’s reference/example to look at if I want it to avoid him going out of the room?
Which examples/classes/links should I look at to accomplish this first step?
Thanks a lot for your time!