weitjong explained the easiest way I know.
I would try that and see where it gets you.
If you are dependent on an IDE you may have trouble getting one to run nicely on the raspberry pi particularly because of how little memory it has how slow its processor is. Thus, I doubt that you will be able to run any IDE nicely that is written in Java. From my experience these use a lot more CPU power and several times more memory than similar IDE’s. Some IDE’s written in C/C++ might work. I use qt creator and opening a small project uses about 170 MB of RAM (Not bad considering that the raspberry pi 2 has 2GB of RAM total IMO but of course much of that memory already called for just to run the OS, X server, etc.). There are a lot of other IDE’s written in C++ too.
If you want something more lightweight (but looking awesome
) I suggest sublime text. It is a commercial text editor (not a full IDE but in some ways similar) but there is no obligation to pay for it if you don’t want to.
But then there is also a simple text editor with syntax highlighting.
I know this is off-topic but you said you couldn’t get linux working in a dual boot environment with windows 8? I definitely understand. Secureboot is a HUGE pain. What linux were you trying to install? I have installed ubuntu on my brother’s comp (he wasn’t enough of a linux guy for arch linux which is my OS of choice
) in a dual boot situation with windows 8. It was a pain to get it working but I got it working eventually. (If you are new to linux I highly recommend that you install ubuntu or some other OS that has an auto installer because installing the OS yourself can be very scary if you don’t know what you are doing because of the windows OS you don’t want to hurt or delete.)
First, where did you get stuck? Again, what were you trying to install? Did you disable secure boot? (To disable it completely you will need to disable it in the control panel and in BIOS. You may need to set an administrator/supervisor password in BIOS to be allowed to disable secure boot).
I don’t know how smart ubuntu’s auto auto installer is with setting up the partitions to install linux and shrink windows 8 but I can tell you that 4 years ago when I first started with linux (now my main OS) I had installed ubuntu and its auto partitioning tool is very smart but that was with windows 7 and some things have changed since then. If worst comes to worst you may have to partition it yourself. There are a lot of youtube videos to help with that I think.
Finally, when ubuntu (or whatever you pick) is installed be sure to go into BIOS and change the boot order to boot the “device” called “ubuntu” first instead of windows 8. Don’t worry you will still be able to boot windows 8 (assuming you disabled secure boot correctly) in a prompt that comes up right after booting “ubuntu”. This prompt is known as grub. It is a mini-os only a few megabytes large that serves as a boot loader for linux and --if you have multiple os’s-- a place where you can choose between os’s.
I hope that helps.