- screenJoystickIndex_(M_MAX_UNSIGNED),
- screenJoystickSettingsIndex_(M_MAX_UNSIGNED),
- paused_(false)
- {
- }
- void Sample::Setup()
- {
- // Modify engine startup parameters
- engineParameters_[EP_WINDOW_TITLE] = GetTypeName();
- engineParameters_[EP_LOG_NAME] = GetSubsystem<FileSystem>()->GetAppPreferencesDir("urho3d", "logs") + GetTypeName() + ".log";
- engineParameters_[EP_FULL_SCREEN] = false;
- engineParameters_[EP_HEADLESS] = false;
- engineParameters_[EP_SOUND] = false;
- // Construct a search path to find the resource prefix with two entries:
- // The first entry is an empty path which will be substituted with program/bin directory -- this entry is for binary when it is still in build tree
- // The second and third entries are possible relative paths from the installed program/bin directory to the asset directory -- these entries are for binary when it is in the Urho3D SDK installation location
- if (!engineParameters_.Contains(EP_RESOURCE_PREFIX_PATHS))
- engineParameters_[EP_RESOURCE_PREFIX_PATHS] = ";../share/Resources;../share/Urho3D/Resources";
- }