I know how to add per-materal parameter. How to add the global one?
I am going to just add new cbuffer and set uniform through Graphics.
How to add new global shader parameter?

You can’t be sure that cbuffers will be used (D3D9, OpenGL ES, or even OpenGL 3 when cbuffer use is intentionally disabled)
Currently view-global shader parameters are hardcoded to be set in the View class.
Maybe you should add a new event to the engine that is sent during View::SetGlobalShaderParameters(), which would allow code outside the engine to set shader parameters. The issue here is that you need to be able to re-assign the global parameter whenever new shaders are set into use, as (without cbuffers) the uniform/register index can change.

Since I needed to add another new event too, there’s now an event E_VIEWGLOBALSHADERPARAMETERS in the master branch that’s sent when the global parameters are set. Additional parameters can be set at this point.