So I have a billboard that overlaps some of my models and I want to be able to handle clicks on only the models. The ray-cast query I have right now only gets results of the top level, meaning if the model is overlapping with the billboard space, it isn’t in the ray-cast results. I have set the billboards occluder and occludee properties to false but still I can’t see the clicks for the model. When a billboard does not overlap the model is in the results. Is there something I’m missing?
RayOctreeQuery query(results, cameraRay, RAY_TRIANGLE, maxDistance, DRAWABLE_GEOMETRY);
std::cout << "Query Size: " << results.Size() << std::endl;
if (results.Size())
for (int i = 0; i < results.Size(); i++) {
//find models in the ray results, don't want anything else for now
RayQueryResult& result = results[i];
auto * currentDrawable = result.drawable_;
StaticModel* model = dynamic_cast<StaticModel*>(currentDrawable);
if (model != nullptr) {
hitPos = result.position_;
hitDrawable = result.drawable_;
return true;
The code above always returns 1 result, and it’s either the model (if it wasn’t being overlapped) or the billboard.