I’m trying to figure out some things about the Dynamic navigation mesh.
- It seems that FIndPath() have 3 result choices.Either it returns an empty path or an array with 2 elements or a full path.The problem is i never get an invalid (empty) path when i should.I always have at least 2 ponts as a result , A starting point and the closest point to destination.Even if there is no physical connection between two separate nav meshes the enemies keep walking to the closest point to the player.Is there any way to check there is a valid mesh connection between the navigation meshes ?
2.Is there a way to take a radius into account while searching for a path ? I want enemies to keep certain distance from the edge of the navmesh,
To be honest CrowdAgents are a bit limited and are probably intended for general purpose and after testing it i couldn’t get the desired result.All i want is finding a path on a simple planar navmesh and handle gravity and collision avoidance in my own algorythm.