Is there any tutorial or sample code with the basics for an FPS game? Things like capsule colliders, culling masks ( … ra/30804/3), raycasts, etc.
Example FPS scene?

you should check example 18 (18_CharacterDemo). It contains everything you need

Check this :

The guys already made the ultimate FPS single and multiplayer template for Urho3D which is Ninja Snow War. I’ve gotten familiar with AngelScript and the engine by using that example as a starter. Just change the camera for FPS view and physics computation for different types of bullets and ammo.
Sample contributed games are good too for further learning. Good Luck!

Sample contributed games are good too for further learning.[/quote]
Yes, these examples are a good starting point for many.
As an example of how things can work in conjunction.
When i started to learn C ++, i spent a lot of time with the Ogre3D.
Good for understanding but it is only rendering and is not the game engine.
In complete examples:
Make small changes.
See the results.
Make big changes.
See the results.
Write code complete made by you.
See the results.
Eventually there comes a time of freedom.
You have the main thing - understanding and experience.